Wednesday 21 December 2011

UGG Mall10 -year-old boy for four years , said her mother to take care of paralyzed daily get up at

small Shan told reporters following his 5 o'clock every morning to get up on time, the first thing is to help mothers understand toilet. Then do the breakfast, ready, give her mother brush your teeth, wash your face, then rice end to my mother, my mother fed a mouthful to eat. Finally, it filled a bowl of rice themselves, rush to swallow, go to school. Noon, after school, to trot home,[url=]UGG Mall[/url], first to help my mother stand up, scrub the afternoon after school, he can not play outside, in addition to repeat things at noon, but also laundry. After dinner, bed in her mother homework, finish the job, to help his mother massage, and returned to school with Mama interesting, funny mother happy. Every day, he would help her mother wash a foot a week cut a nail, although the perennial bed unable to move her mother, but the clothes, face,[url=]UGG Mall[/url], body always clean. To make her mother more than to eat, HU Ji Shan in cooking as much as possible tricks. He proudly told reporters his signature dish - fried eggs, tomatoes, bean sprouts, fried eggs, fried mushrooms and other vegetables. So day after day, year after year, 10-year-old HU Ji-Shan has to take care of her mother four years in a row. said.

Yesterday, reporters rushed to interview informed Donghai County cattle town, HU Ji-Shan soon after birth, the mother Pangjin E had rheumatoid arthritis, was paralyzed in bed, life can not take care of themselves. In order to see the doctor to his wife, her husband Hu Xiuhua can only work outside the home. That year, following a small 6-year-old Shan first grade, but also from that will begin to take care of the mother's responsibility to completely fell following the Shantou small body.

According to Han Lei Xu Road Primary School principal, his teacher and HU Ji Shan of Shantou has been very concerned about a small following, HU Ji-Shan never fall off their studies. At school, other students playing during recess, he was always quietly lying on the desk doing homework,[url=]UGG Mall[/url], so far has been very good, the students regarded him as a role model, teacher praised him as , the community boasted he was Wei Aihua Zhang Lingfei text / photo

every child is the parents of the baby, was supposed to have a carefree childhood. However, Lianyungang Donghai County fourth-grade HU Ji-Shan, but with tender shoulders early on to take up the responsibility to take care of the sick mother. 10 years old,[url=]UGG Mall[/url], he was the school every year as

Xu Road Primary School on the north side of an alley, the reporter found after several twists and turns HU Ji-Shan house, two old tile-roofed house,[url=]UGG Mall[/url], which in addition to two beds and a old TV, but no longer no other belongings, in a small cottage next door to the kitchen, a small scoop of water following the Shantou is preparing to cook, that reporters come to interview, he put down the bailer, scratched his head, blushing smile.

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