Tuesday 6 December 2011

Hundred Regiments

Baike card

Hundred Regiments Sino-Japanese War in China, the Chinese Eighth Route Army and the Japanese in northern China occurred once the largest and longest battle. Eighth Route Army of the Jin-Cha, 129, 120, under the unified command at the headquarters division, launched in order to sabotage the railway is too (Shijiazhuang to Taiyuan) focused campaign. Campaign launched in the first 3 days, the Eighth Route Army fighting forces had reached 105 groups, so the Chinese call this the This work has gradually been adapted for the movie, comics, web games and card games, merchandise and more.

Name: Hundred Regiments Location: North China Time: 1940 August 20 to December 15 warring parties: the National Revolutionary Army Chinese Eighth Route Army (Peng) results: death, injury Japanese 20,645 people, pseudo- 5155 Army troops were warring parties: the Eighth Route Army National Revolutionary Army 400,000 casualties: 17,000 Eighth Route Army National Revolutionary Army major commanders: Zhu De, Peng


Background combat victories during the Battle of statistical historical significance of the battle later After a detailed review of data recorded in fighting World War II World War II impact evaluation of the positive aspects of the history of the Japanese tactical evaluation of large formation combat record of the Central Military Commission of the five mysteries instructions Hundred Regiments battle monuments extended criticism and disapproval combat anti-Japanese base in the context of Sino-Japanese War, the Communist Party Japanese invasion of the anti-Japanese armed forces in a strategic location north

Hundred Regiments battle

development growing stronger, the Japanese army in the summer of 1939, focused on the spread of the Great Wall, north, northeast part of the army, the railway , highways and other lines as the basis for the anti-Japanese forces in North China launched a large-scale continuous raids and trench built fort in the wilderness trying to hinder the anti-Japanese forces attack, the However, 1939,1940 twice against the summer, will focus on more than 30 million Japanese troops in North China, Manchuria, the distribution of points is to increase the military strength scattered. This is North China's Eighth Route Army launched a massive offensive concentration of superior forces to provide favorable conditions. Battle of the situation in the second half of 1940, Peng commanding the 129th Division and the Eighth Route Army promoted such a total of 105 military police regiment twenty Yuwan Bing Li, North China Hundred Regiments of


Day puppet troops launched an offensive campaign. This campaign a total of 1,800 times the size of the fighting, capturing more than 2900 locations, 45,000 Japanese and puppet troops were wiped out, a heavy blow to the Japanese and puppet troops, encouraged by the Chinese military and civilian war morale, enhance confidence in the victory. Since the winter of 1939 since the Japanese railways, highways as the backbone of the anti-Japanese base areas of frequent raids, and attempted to cut off the Taihang, Shanxi and other strategic areas of contact, the implementation of the so-called Lock Eighth Route Army Headquarters decided to launch a traffic wreck war, sabotage is too focused Tongpu the northern section of the railway and, to a powerful blow to the Japanese Army in North China. Lines in the north, the railway is too occupied an important position, it is across the Taihang Mountains, connecting the Ping-Han, Tongpu two rail link, is Japanese in North China is one of the important strategic transport routes. Eighth Route Army's offensive campaign launched first in the rail is too, so start the battle known as the road is too.

Hundred Regiments of Peng

7 22, the Eighth Route Army commander Zhu De, deputy commander Peng, Zuo Quan, deputy chief of staff issued a , is too large-scale sabotage railway. Also asked for Tongpu, Ping Han, Jin-Pu, Bac Ninh, northern Germany, stone, and some of the main road railway line, also deployed troops launched an extensive sabotage appropriate to meet the railway sabotage is too war. August 8, Zhu De, Peng, Zuo Quan issued a section; 120 north county division sabotage Xin Fen Tong-Pu Railway and the (positive) from the (rock) road, and north and south of the heavily placed yangqu, is too to check the Japanese rail reinforcement. Requiring departments to sabotage lines at the same time, have recovered some of the Japanese occupation of the stronghold. In these areas and transportation lines, the Japanese stationed all three divisions, two divisions of the two wings, all five independent mixed brigades and regiments, four independent mixed brigades and regiments of the 2 Brigade, 1 a cavalry brigade of two brigades, a total of more than 20 million people, 150 aircraft and another puppet about 15 million people. In the second half of 1940, Peng commanding the 129th Division and the Eighth Route Army promoted such a total of 105 military police regiment twenty Yu Wanbing force, the Japanese and puppet troops in North China launched an offensive campaign. This campaign a total of 1,800 times the size of the fighting, capturing more than 2900 locations, 45,000 Japanese and puppet troops were wiped out, a heavy blow to the Japanese and puppet troops, encouraged by the Chinese military and civilian war morale, enhance confidence in the victory. By

Hundred Regiments

provided the original headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, the war strength of not less than 22 groups. But the campaign was launched, due to the officers and men of the Eighth Route Army and the anti-Japanese base areas the majority of Japanese people hate the 129 teachers (including Daredevil Team 1, 3rd column, etc.) 46 regiments, the 120th Division (team with Daredevil 2, 4 columns, etc.) 20 groups, 105 groups were more than 20 million people, there are many places guerrillas and militias to participate in combat. (All add up to more than 200 corporations have) when Peng, Zuo Quan in the Battle of the Eighth Route Army headquarters operations room to listen to reports on the situation, know the actual strength of the war when the group reached 105, Zuo Quan said excitedly: . August 1940, the Eighth Route Army headquarters has mobilized more than one hundred groups, then more than two thousand kilometers North front of the Japanese aggressors launched a massive attack, pulled out the enemy bunker near the base, base, blew up railways, bridges, highways, so the Japanese lines of communication paralysis, which is the famous Hundred Regiments. Hundred Regiments Battle Hundred Regiments went through the process of two stages and a proactive anti-

Hundred Regiments

The first phase (August 20-September 10). Eighth Route Army in the positive too, Tongpu, Ping Han, Jin-Pu and other major lines of communication to launch a general offensive, the focus is too much damage to the railway. After 20 days of fighting, the schedule completed. Railway tracks are too, bridges, tunnels, towers, stations, etc. were destroyed; Ping Han, Tongpu (North), Shi-De, Bac Ninh railway and major roads have been cut off; north of the lines to a standstill. The second phase (22 September to early October). Task is to continue to build on,[url=http://www.in-moncler.com][b]title=Moncler Jackets[/b][/url], destroying lines on both sides of the anti-Japanese base areas and in-depth puppet base. During this time, I was mainly Jin-Cha-Ling Lai campaign, 129 Division conducted a major campaign Yu Liao, the first major sabotage the Tongpu 120 Division Road. In these battles, the Eighth Route Army a heavy blow to the enemy; However, removal of the enemy army plans to base not all removed. The third phase (October 6 to January 24 next year), the main task is to counter the Japanese and puppet troops in retaliation for raids. During this time, the Eighth Route Army has crushed the Japanese and puppet troops of the Taihang, Taiyue, Pingxi, Beiyue, northwest Shanxi and other large-scale anti-Japanese base raids. Note: the Political Department of the Eighth Route Army Field announced the Hundred Regiments victories statistics deadline is December 5. Victories statistics from August 20 to December 5 in the three and a half months, I conducted a total size of the army behind enemy lines fighting eighteen hundred times, namely, kill and wound over 20,000 Japanese troops, puppet over 5 000; prisoners Japanese two hundred and eighty people, puppet 18,000 people; destroyed more than nine years the railway, highway three miles; destruction of bridges, stations, two hundred fifty-eight; and seized a large quantity of weapons and military supplies. From annihilating (Japanese) figures, the Eighth Route Army launched the Hundred Regiments alone no less than ten in 1939, Chiang Kai-shek to deploy the National Theater 71 Division launched an offensive against Japan's victories in winter, adding wiped out if the puppet figure, the Eighth Route Army The victories also higher than the national army annihilated the army's offensive numbers in the winter, thus greatly improving the political status of the Eighth Route Army. Historical significance of the Hundred Regiments during the war the Red Army is a Japanese initiative the largest campaign, it played the Japanese army's prestige behind enemy lines, inspired the fight for victory of the National People's confidence in the strategy effectively supporting the KMT positive the battlefield. Comment later in 1940, Japan once again composed of militant Konoe Cabinet. To further expand the war of aggression in preparation. Actively promote the Japanese invasion of China on the side of Chiang Kai-shek's lure into surrender activity on the one hand and large-scale military operation in Chengdu, Chongqing bombing force Chiang sum. In order to overcome the surrender risk, boost the confidence of the National People's war, crushed the Japanese anti-Japanese base areas of my implementation of the World War II.

Hundred Regiments

[1] has been on the Communist Party of China's foreign Hundred Regiments entirely sure, but in the internal history of the Hundred Regiments of the evaluation process because of a certain discrepancy. Nie In A the The enemy in its war record in North China Army also admitted: increased resistance behind enemy lines in North China the people of confidence in victory, then lure into surrender policy of the Japanese and Oriental Munich conspiracy to great blow to the people of Chiang Kai-shek very exciting area. The campaign is also another blow to the capitulators, the Communist Party leadership to improve the reputation of the anti-Japanese armed forces against the KMT made the so-called Eighth Route Army In 1979, Peng fully rehabilitated, the basic holding of the Hundred Regiments totally positive attitude. Today, the parties agreed that: the Japanese counterattack was indeed caused great difficulties to the base, but the Chinese War of Resistance against Japan to prepare itself great difficulty and sacrifice, for Data record 18th Group Army Commander in Chief Zhu De rate along the northern communist forces on the Japanese launch a surprise attack traffic and production area, and destroyed railways, bridges and communications facilities, Ikeda City, lieutenant platoon detachment turtle (in Niangziguan Guard) eighth mixed brigades group (the original meaning of heavy water brigade leader Major General) 34 Brigade (in Jingxing near) independent fourth hybrid Infantry Brigade (Brigade will head Taro Katayama Province) [in Yangquan (XV Brigade Junior Dejiang light), Shouyang (XIV Brigade in the original Tianyin Liang Zuo), Yuci (unit XII)] the most serious casualties of the brigade, the total number of 276 killed. Independent hybrid ninth Infantry Brigade (brigade leader Major General Ikegami Yin Ji) [in Taiyuan (fourth top ten teams), Xin County (thirty-ninth brigade)] independent third mixed brigades and regiments (Chanan South) independent second mixed brigades and regiments (North Tong-Pu Road) in northern Japanese troops density of 0.37 people to one square kilometer, the average spread of the Division troops at around 200, Hundred Regiments after the formal implementation of the Eighth Route Army of the Japanese war exterminated. During the war the Japanese fought back for the first time Strikes Back (September 1, 1940 September 18, the first phase of Jinzhong combat) independent mixed brigades from the ninth Taigu, Yuci regional and independent mixed brigades from the pacification of the fourth, cis regions coordinate with each other forward, to the pine cone near the town, destroying the enemy's rear facilities, and against the enemy lurking around. Eliminate border area operations (October 1940 March-November 2) Temporary 101 mixed brigades and regiments (in MENG Jun, 1st Army, 110 Division, independent mixed brigades and regiments XV) the second counter War September 23 1940 -10 11 Chanan Nan territory October 11-December 4 Jinzhong second battle, October 13-November 26 border area according to the Japanese war in the history of the town community retreat killed 44 people, Yangquan and Yuxian killed 66 people, killed 80 people and Liaoning Yushe, Jinzhong wounded 66 killed 71 people missing two, Laiyuan region killed 133 people, insert Arrow Ridge 1 person killed and one wounded, the second Strikes Back (Chanan Nan border missing 31), co-emperor army (puppet) casualties in 1202 were missing. One hundred guerrilla group's war was a strategic offensive, Ping-Han Railway on August 25 is open, Tongpu Road, opened on September 8, Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan Road, September 20, barely opening Jingxing machine repair can still be used in coal mining areas . After this war campaign gone through two stages and a proactive anti-The first phase (1940 August 20 to September 10). Eighth Route Army in the positive too, Tongpu, Ping Han, Jin-Pu and other major lines of communication to launch a general offensive, the focus is too much damage to the railway. After 20 days of fighting, the schedule completed. Railway tracks are too, bridges, tunnels, towers, stations, etc. were destroyed; Ping Han, Tongpu (North), Shi-De, the North road was cut off; north of the lines to a standstill. The second phase (September 22, 1940 to early October). Task is to continue to build on, destroying lines on both sides of the anti-Japanese base areas and in-depth puppet base. During this time, mainly for the Jin-Cha-Ling Lai campaign, 129 Division conducted a major campaign Yu Liao, the first major sabotage the Tongpu 120 Division Road. The third phase (October 6, 1940 to January 24 next year), the main task is to counter the Japanese and puppet troops in retaliation for raids. During this time, the Eighth Route Army has crushed the Japanese and puppet troops of the Taihang, Taiyue, Pingxi, Beiyue, northwest Shanxi and other large-scale anti-Japanese base raids. Hundred Regiments lasted more than five months. From 1940 August 20 to December 5 in the three and a half months, the size of the Eighth Route Army fought a total of 1824 times, total death, injury, capture and surrender of 46,480 Japanese and puppet troops were. These include: death, injury Japanese 20,645 people, puppet 5155 people; 281 Japanese prisoners of war, puppet 18,407 people; Japanese automatic 47 defectors to bring firearms, by 1845 people puppet anyway. At the same time, seized a variety of guns 5942 (very), a variety of gun 53; destroyed railway 474 km, 1502 km roads, 213 bridges, 37 railway stations, tunnels, 11; destruction of coal 5, 11 warehouses. In addition, seized and destroyed a large number of other military supplies. More fighting 1940 年 20 August to 5 December, the Eighth Route Army in the north of the Japanese behind enemy lines to launch large-scale offensive operations. Summer of 1940, Japan to promote the use of German in Europe, Britain, the United States Eastern time to care the opportunity to step up military pressure on the implementation of the KMT and political lure into surrender, launch date in May (Sun) should be (Chang) campaign, continuous bombing of Chongqing, claiming to attack Xi'an, Chongqing, Kunming, forcing the British and French blockade of Yunnan and Vietnam Road and Burma Road; also through various channels and the Kuomintang Chiang Kai-shek's contacts with representatives to discuss Meanwhile, the anti-Japanese base areas behind enemy lines to strengthen the North's At this time the Nationalist government even more shaken. March 1940 and June, the representatives of Chiang Kai-shek has to Hong Kong, Macau and Japan on behalf of the talks; because Japan requires harsh conditions, and did not reach an agreement. Of Japanese and puppet troops behind enemy lines in order to break the blockade and anti-Japanese base areas strike operations. July 22, 1940, the Eighth Route Army commander Zhu De, Peng, deputy commander in chief, etc. issued Also asked for Tongpu (Datong - Fenglingdu), Ping-Han (now Beijing - Hankou), Jin-Pu (Tianjin - Pukou), Bac Ninh (now Beijing - Shenyang), Germany Stone (Texas - Shijiazhuang) and other railway and some of the major North highways, but also wide-ranging deployment of troops sabotage appropriate to meet the railway sabotage is too war. August 8, Zhu De, Peng issued such Yuci (including) above; 120 north county division sabotage Xin Fen Tong-Pu Railway and the (positive) from the (rock) road, and north and south of the heavily placed yangqu, is too to check the Japanese rail reinforcement. Requiring departments to sabotage lines at the same time, the Japanese occupation of some of the recovered camera positions. In these areas and lines of communication, three divisions of Japanese troops stationed all, two divisions of the two groups, all five independent mixed brigades, four independent mixed brigades of the 2d Battalion, a cavalry brigade of 2 battalions, a total of more than 20 million people, 150 aircraft and another puppet of about 15 million people. Eighth Route Army troops entered the war, namely, Jin-Cha-39 groups, 129 teachers (including Daredevil Team 1, 3rd column, etc.) 46 groups, 120 teachers (including Daredevil 2, 4 columns, etc.) 20 groups , a total of 105 groups of more than 20 million people, there are many places to participate in combat guerrillas and militias. Eighth Route Army's offensive campaign on August 20, 1940 launched the first railway in the positive too. Railway across the Taihang Mountains are too, is to connect the Ping-Han, Tongpu two railroad ties, is Japanese in North China is one of the important strategic transport routes. Japanese troops stationed along the railway line in being too independent hybrid 4th Brigade (headquarters in Yangquan) all independent hybrid 8, 9 Brigade (headquarters in Shijiazhuang and Taiyuan, respectively) each one. The night of August 20, Jin-Cha in the commander and political commissar Nie under the command of the 18 infantry regiments, one cavalry regiment and two cavalry battalions, five guerrilla detachment, in cooperation with some artillery and engineer corps, composed of the left , in the right three columns, respectively, to the eastern section of the Japanese railways are too independent and mixed most of the 8th Brigade 4th Brigade an independent hybrid attack. After several hours fighting, the right column scored the junction of Shanxi, Hebei and strategic pass Niangziguan, a Japanese F. Later, destroyed the bridge and east Niangziguan communication lines. Niangziguan to micro-segment to attack the central column of water, with g Cai village, in both the north valley, south valley and other Japanese strongholds, and destroy two bridges. Attack of the central column Jingxing a coal mine, in support of the miners, mine destroyed the main facilities, forcing them to cut up to six months. August 23, 1940, due to the direction of the Japanese Western aid Shijiazhuang, coupled with heavy rains, flooding, seriously hampering operations, then the transfer of military forces Jin-Cha, the implementation of the railways, bridges, tunnels full sabotage. 129 Liu division commander, political commissar Deng Xiaoping, under the command of the eight groups (including Daredevil team group 1 column 2), eight independent battalions, composed of left-wing sabotage team, the right-wing sabotage team and the central column, also in 1940 the night of August 20, western section of the railway the Japanese are too independent and mixed most of the fourth independent mixed brigades 9th Brigade launched an attack; the other two groups together to put down, Liaoning County, Yushe other local armed forces, Liao Ping respectively, Yu Liao Highway wreck and to contain the points enemy troops, to protect the safety of the main lateral. Chuang Lu attack left a team, with g bunker 4, F-80 more than the Japanese; the right-wing attack team a cupola ditch palm and mulberry base, F-130 more than the Japanese. 21, the division attacked to prevent the Japanese from the dorsal path-breaking force, so reserve a Yangquan seize four kilometers southwest of Mountain Lion Nao Heights. From 23 onwards, Yangquan Japanese aircraft support, and use of chemical weapons, to keep the mountain lion Nao onslaught. 129 division blocking force fought bravely, stick to six days and nights, the Japanese F-400, protecting the flank of the security forces sabotage. After several days fighting, the first 129 rail division controlled the western section in addition to being too Yangquan, Shouyang most base and outside the train station, serious damage to the section of the tracks, bridges, tunnels, the western section of the railway are too paralyzed. Continue to sabotage the Japanese lines, lines on both sides and in-depth focus captured within the base to build on the Japanese stronghold, September 16, 1940, the Eighth Route Army Headquarters issued the second phase of operational orders to the troops continue to undermine the Japanese lines, to destroy the anti-Japanese base areas deep within the Japanese puppet army base. Deployment is: 120 North Division the main section of the railway on Ning Wu Zhixuan Tongpu post sections completely destroyed, cut off again Tongpu northern section of the railway traffic; main wreck Lai Jin-Cha (source) Spirit (Hill) road, and seize Laiyuan, Lingqiu two county; 129 teachers focus sabotage elm (social) Liao (county) roads, recovering Yushe, Liaoning County (now Zuoquan) two counties. Jin-Cha to eight groups, three guerrilla detachment, two independent battalions, left and right team and reserve, in the September 22, 1940 launch Lai (source) Spirit (Hill) campaign, on the region Army 2nd Brigade of independent hybrid and 26 teachers and a puppet of the attack. Focus on the right-wing attack Laiyuan City team, due to lack of crucial equipment, stubborn Japanese resistance, fighting through the night, unable to succeed. 23, to attack the Japanese stronghold Laiyuan periphery. To 26, have captured the top three Village, East Fort and other groups more than 10 locations. 28, by the Zhangjiakou 3000 Japanese reinforcements arrived Laiyuan into the city, then transfer the right-wing forces in Lingqiu team, hunyuan direction, collaborative team has captured the southern slope of the left head, grab the wind Ridge, Green Ciyao other Japanese strongholds. October 9, there are more than 1,000 people to Datong Japanese aid. Jin-Cha-Ling Lai decided to end the battle. The campaign of 1000 wiped out more than Japanese and puppet troops. 129 to 386 brigade and division daredevil team composed of two regiments of the first column left team to 385 Brigade (with 32 groups) composed of the right-wing forces, launched on September 23, Yu (Club) Liao (County) campaign, Liao road to the garrison of the Japanese elm hybrid independent 4th Brigade to attack. To 30, left team after hard fighting, captured Yushe county, Japanese F-400. Right-wing Yu Liao team captured a small ridge at the end of the road, after Shixia other Japanese bases in preparation for the 10th Brigade New offensive co-Liao County, the rolls, while the aid wuxiang the Japanese, 129 teachers have decided to stop attack City, the transfer of troops in Redcliffe head, ambush by the Crown Nao area of ​​the Japanese aid wuxiang out. 385 Brigade entered on the way to the ambush area, with more than 600 people involved in the Japanese reinforcements, after 15 hours fighting, the Japanese were eliminated, although more than half, but the remnants of relying on favorable terrain for recalcitrant, the two sides form a confrontation. At the same time from the break rolls out the aid of the Japanese 10th Brigade New Langyashan blocking force positions. In this case, then the withdrawal of combat division 129, Yushe complex of the Japanese occupation. Yu Jian Liao battle the Japanese were nearly 1,000 people. October 14, 129 in division one and (cis) Liao (County) Ravine bow had laid an ambush on the road, wiped out a Japanese convoy, destroying the car more than 40 vehicles. In line with the 120th Division Lai Ling, Yu Liao region operations, on the northern section of the railway had Tongpu new wreck, traffic re-cut the line. District 129 teachers affiliated to Jinan Jun 12 regiments of the Japanese railway is being built by German stone and Han (Dan) economy (South) Railway and a number of important highways, were carried out sabotage, Japanese and puppet troops were F more than 1,700 people. Jin-Cha-owned Hebei Military District troops October 1 to 12 days, at either (Hill) River (between) great (City) Su (Ning) campaign, capturing more than 20 locations, more than 1,500 F-Japanese and puppet troops, destroyed roads 150 km. The second phase of operations, the Eighth Route Army stronghold captured many Japanese and puppet troops, destroyed part of the block level ditch, wall, against the puppet regime organizations, further expanding the anti-Japanese base areas. Two consecutive stages of the Japanese was the Eighth Route Army fighting against large-scale offensive after the Eighth Route Army to its deep seriousness of the threat. To stabilize the situation, to consolidate the occupied territories, in northern China will be the mobilization of massive anti-Japanese base areas for large-scale brutal retaliation October 19, 1940, the Eighth Route Army Headquarters issued the anti-October 6, 1940, Qinxian, Xiangyuan Japanese in Yushe, Liaoning County in cooperation with the Japanese, nearly thousand troops, the Northern Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, the Eighth Route Army headquarters and other leading organizations where anti-Japanese base areas Yushe Taihang , Liaoning County, wuxiang, Licheng district continuous October 29, 1940 - November 4, 129 division 385, No. 386 Brigade and 10th Brigade New main and Daredevil Team 1 column 2 groups, under the direct command of Peng, Kwan in Wuxiang County Nao region, the Japanese 36th Division a camp surrounded by its more than 400 F, and to Wuxiang, Liaoning counties with significant destruction of the enemy reinforcements. Japanese suffered a blow to the remnants of withdrawal on the 14th. From November 17 onwards, the Japanese about 7,000 people 129 teachers will focus on military-owned Taiyue compiled Qin (source) East, Qin (source) West two detachment, in cooperation with the guerrillas and militia, active in Qinhe sides, look for an opportunity against the Japanese, to 27, F Japanese nearly 300 people, forcing them to retreat on December 5. From October 13, 1940, the Japanese and puppet troops to thousand people location of the leading organs Jin-Cha-Fuping. Pingxi and Beiyue army two areas, within the outside matching, extensive guerrilla warfare, continuous ambush, attacked the Japanese rear lines, most of the Japanese army forced to retreat. Fuping, the Japanese are building Wangkuai Fort road, attempting to long-term occupation. December 3 to 27, Jin-Cha to four groups to Fuping and Wang fast Japanese attack, its more than 500 F, forcing the Japanese to withdraw Beiyue all anti-Japanese base areas. In mid-December 1940, Japanese troops to 20,000 anti-Japanese base areas of the northwest Shanxi to 120 division troops and the people to practice in Northwest Shanxi empty room Kiyono, adhere to the At the same time, focus on some of the main forces behind the Japanese lines sabotage, attack Japanese forces and road transport team, a total of more than 2,500 F-Japanese and puppet troops, forcing the Japanese in late January 1941 the withdrawal of all anti-Japanese base areas northwest Shanxi. During the three and a half months of the Hundred Regiments, the Eighth Route Army in the local armed forces and work closely with the masses, the total number for the 1800 fighting, removal of the enemy stronghold about 3000, 2.58 million Japanese and puppet troops wounded and killed, captured enemy 18,000 people, and seized a large number of military supplies. [1] damage railways 470 kilometers, 1,500 kilometers of roads, a variety of guns seized more than 50 doors, more than 5800 branches all guns (very). Eighth Route Army casualties 1.7 million people. After the hit Japanese exclaimed: Hundred Regiments battle is affecting Sino-Japanese War confrontation with the Japanese Communist Party of China the largest-ever campaign, the Chinese side that crushed the Japanese Hundred Regiments the confidence of soldiers and civilians get the victory and improve the prestige of the Chinese Communist Party and the Eighth Route Army. Hundred Regiments for World War II, the Chinese battlefield situation changes also play a role, raised the prestige of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese Kuomintang in order to change the understanding of the Communist Party, to strengthen the control of the Communist Party, the Japanese in the After losing the war, efforts to strengthen the military. [Note: From ^ Zhang Minglin. ] Evaluation of the positive aspects of the history of Hundred Regiments, the Eighth Route Army in North China in the Sino-Japanese War launched a largest and longest with strategic offensive campaign. In this campaign, the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party Japanese soldiers behind enemy lines in North China, together, fought bloody battles with the Japanese invaders, fully demonstrated the indomitable fighting spirit of the Chinese nation. Hundred Regiments serious damage to the Japanese in North China's main lines of communication, recovered parts of the Japanese occupation, the Japanese crushed the The pace of the Japanese southward advance. Hundred Regiments of upholding the war, the Kuomintang compromise was surrender to contain an undercurrent, for improving the current situation has played a positive role in further encouraging and enhancing people across the country to win the confidence of victory, the KMT diehards with facts to refute the Communist Party, the Eighth Route Army do not hit Sino-Japanese War in China Hundred Regiments wrote a glorious page in history. Liu has always stood for tactical evaluation of strategic and tactical forces have formal qualities, the military must continue to develop innovative ideas, but this is not so that Peng; April 30, 1942, in the Shanxi region and related military systems At the forum, Liu made the It is inevitable that the Liu's report affirmed the achievements, but also bluntly pointed out the shortcomings. He believes that before and after the Hundred Regiments, because of the He also pointed out that the Hundred Regiments in general is a great battle fought victory, but there are a lot of strategy and tactics of the error, such as under outnumbered, the enemy does not show the weak, premature We exposed the true strength; not fully develop a combination of regular warfare with guerrilla's traditional strengths, some of the means to rush into battle, in order to obtain one-sided political influence or even overkill. Liu raised these issues, not for Peng, he was just on their own in charge of the base of the 129th Division and the Shanxi work made self-criticism. Has always maintained an independent manner Mountain The Eighth Route Army's strength, to fight such a war was too risky. In addition, he was on Peng in an ad hoc arbitrary Hundred Regiments have different views. Then, in his rectification campaign, the report is submitted to Liu's discussion with you. Peng won the battle of this course can not work out totally not prepared. Later, he was on the Hundred Regiments of the review and made some strategic and tactical knowledge, this is not what the central challenge. Japan's record 18th Group Army Commander in Chief Zhu De rate along the northern communist forces on the Japanese launch a surprise attack traffic and production area, and destroyed railways, bridges and communications facilities, Ikeda City, lieutenant platoon detachment turtle (in Niangziguan Guard) eighth hybrid Brigade (the original meaning of heavy water brigade leader Major General) 34 Brigade (in Jingxing near) independent fourth hybrid Infantry Brigade (Brigade will head Taro Katayama Province) [in Yangquan (XV Brigade Junior Dejiang light) , Shouyang (Fourteenth Battalion in the original Tianyin Liang Zuo), Yuci (unit XII)] hybrid independent ninth Infantry Brigade (brigade leader pool Major General Yin Ji) [in Taiyuan (fourth top ten teams), Xin County (thirty-ninth brigade)] independent third mixed brigades and regiments (Chanan South) second independent mixed brigades and regiments (North Tong-Pu Road) during the war, the Japanese fought back for the first time Strikes Back (September 1, 1940 - September 18, the first phase of Jinzhong combat) independent mixed brigades from Taigu ninth, fourth Yuci independent mixed brigades from the region and put down, rolls forward region coordinate with each other, to the pine cone near the town, destroying the enemy's rear facilities, and against the enemy lurking around. Eliminate border area operations (October 1940 March-November 2) Temporary 101 mixed brigades and regiments (in MENG Jun, 1st Army, 110 Division, independent mixed brigades and regiments XV) the second counter War September 23 1940 -10 11 Chanan Nan territory October 11-December 4 Jinzhong second battle, October 13-November 26 border area according to the Japanese war in the history of the town community retreat killed 44 people, Yangquan and Yuxian killed 66 people, killed 80 people and Liaoning Yushe, Jinzhong wounded 66 killed 71 people missing two, Laiyuan region killed 133 people, insert Arrow Ridge 1 person killed and one wounded, the second Strikes Back (Chanan Nan border missing 31), Huang HS 1202 military casualties were missing. One hundred guerrilla group's war was a strategic offensive, Ping-Han Railway on August 25 is open, Tongpu Road, opened on September 8, Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan Road, September 20, barely opening Jingxing machine repair can still be used in coal mining areas . Hundred Regiments five mystery before the large formation combat, the Eighth Route Army in the war against Japan has been known for small-scale guerrilla war. Why 1940 will be the Eighth Route Army launched the Hundred Regiments large formation combat it? First, in order to curb the evil of compromise and surrender and split counter. In 1940, the Japanese invasion of China, eager to report phase to build more troops south, captured the British and French colonies in Southeast Asia and South Asia. To this end, the Japanese way of coercion to win over to Chiang Kai-shek, Wang Jingwei regime. On the one hand support Wang Jingwei puppet regime, stepping up with Chiang Kai-shek regime attack, Chongqing, Kunming, Xi'an ... .... Extremely worried about the CPC Jiang, Wang, encourage enthusiasm for the national army of the war, Chiang Kai-shek regime to reduce the possibility of surrender. Secondly, in order to break the Japanese To the summer of 1940, the Japanese in North China established more than 3,000 locations in more than 10,000 bunkers, 5,000 km of railways, 30,000 km of roads. This close and convenient military networks, limited to the Japanese forces to form a powerful whole, the anti-Japanese base areas and other areas, base and base of the interval to leave. The Japanese blockade of the Eighth Route Army in various backcountry, survival and development extremely difficult. Therefore, the deployment of Liu to the Japanese call As the Japanese stronghold of echoes, to break this Again, the Eighth Route Army team has been great development. June 7, 1940, the Eighth Route Army Headquarters declared: Since the war, the Eighth Route Army regular forces by 40,000 three years ago to 50 million development, creating nearly 100 million people, including the liberated areas and guerrilla zones. Eighth Route Army Headquarters also on July 7, 1940 release: 3 years to recover the county 150 Eighth Route Army, death, injury, capture puppet 400,000. Against the Japanese up to 40 million, accounting for the total number of the Japanese invasion of China 58%, and against all the puppet. The instructions of the Central Military Commission July 22, 1940, by Zhu De, Peng, Zuo Quan signed a joint railway sabotage is too So why do the instructions of the Central Military Commission has not seen? In May 1938, Mao Zedong wrote must change at any time anywhere to do it different circumstances, and these circumstances, is very far away from the higher authorities do not know of this battle is the battle and the principle of decentralized command. sabotage is way too much, or sabotage the Ping-Han road, which is engage in guerrilla warfare often things can be said that this is a kind of daily work, not what the strategic issues involved, so that the operational plan, the Central Military Commission is not opposed to of. It should be noted also, Hundred Regiments at the time was to get the CPC Central Committee, Central Military Commission official in the affirmative. CPC Central Committee was September 10, 1940 issued the World War II precedent, September 18, 1940 and September 20, Yan'an held two consecutive large-scale community rally to celebrate the victory of Hundred Regiments. CMC Vice Chairman Wang Jiaxiang September 18 meeting published in the Mao attended the September 20 rally. December 22, 1940, Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Peng Wang Jiaxiang from Yan'an call: Published on July 22 issued a preliminary order to the last action command, the Eighth Route Army headquarters deployed to a group are 20 to participate in the campaign is too. Until August 22, the Eighth Route Army Division headquarters operations to consolidate the first battle when the situation, Peng, Zuo Quan was surprised to find a total of 105 groups participated in the campaign. Thus, the history of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese War there was a brilliant term - Why is too Hundred Regiments Campaign will be expanded to become? First, because the anti-Japanese army base enthusiasm. According to Therefore, the Hundred Regiments have quite the number of regular troops with the Eighth Route Army guerrillas and militia or more to participate, and have at least 20 million people participated in this war is the result of an active army base. Yangquan old militia Wang Deshun said: In fact other than the Eighth Route Army Command Headquarters or the deployment of the Hundred Regiments more valuable, more great, is the most worthy of carrying forward the Chinese national spirit. Secondly, by the railway sabotage the goal is too determined. Is too railways, as a starting point to Shijiazhuang, Taiyuan for the end to connect the Ping-Han, Tongpu Road, a total length of 243 km, of which 170.7 km in Shanxi. Hundred Regiments broke out, stationed along the fourth independent mixed brigades (headquarters in Yangquan) dominated the Japanese were more than 3600. However, the outbreak of the Hundred Regiments night, just 1,200 ex-Japanese army arrived on his way home is way too much, which, 400 people into the Yangquan, 800 people into Niangziguan. Again, great to bring a large aircraft sabotage, war for more troops. At 22:00 on August 20th, the Eighth Route Army in the road is too vast region at the same time as the center of the attack, the Japanese theater of chaos, a lot of peace of mind of the Japanese long-term goal of becoming a target for the Eighth Route Army. Known as As the attacks were not long in 1940, just to have a squadron level in garrison. In the Hundred Regiments, the Eighth Route Army Niangziguan become the main objective of the first round of attacks. August 21 at noon, the Eighth Route Army soldiers proudly into the Chinese national flag on a Niangziguan. The pictures and news in the newspapers out of the national army is encouraged. Japanese command center is way too Yangquan also been disruptive attacks from the Japanese occupying forces attacked the Eighth Route Army brigade group headquarters is only 300 meters from the Temple Heights, and guarding of 四日 years. Unfortunately, the equipment can only be bad for the Eighth Route Army Springs sunny with a rifle shot, the Japanese do not form a real threat to the city. Operational headquarters for the Eighth Route Army to extend the time and does not require the original Hundred Regiments battle period, but called for in the preparation of the command sent from the army one month from the date of preparation of food, which generally interpreted as the battle about a week. Therefore, the 129th Division issued August 17, the operational requirements of the instructions: Why is war fought so long? First of all, a great fighter combat extended time. Within a few days after the battle started, the Japanese theater is completely passive situation of being beaten, the Eighth Route Army had full control of the situation on the battlefield. In order to win greater victories, August 24, August 26, the Eighth Route Army to give loyal to seven days and nights of Shinaoshan, Yangquan Japanese began to attack. August 28, the Eighth Route Army to give up the fight against Niangziguan, Hebei, Shanxi, the Japanese began to enter. August 30, Japanese troops began implementing the Northern Bureau of the CPC, the Political Department of the Eighth Route Army field division headquarters and the 129th Division, the situation began to tense up. Changes according to the enemy, the Eighth Route Army Headquarters from September 2, ordered across the board from the day after the transfer, a variety of fighting on September 10 all over. Second, in order to further build on this to launch the second phase of the battle. Hundred Regiments early victory, Peng had launched the idea of ​​fighting the second phase. He was on August 31 to Long, to be closed, Nie, Liu, Deng Xiaoping, comments, and report to Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Wang Jiaxiang. Ask if you can completely destroy the road and being too Tongpu road sections, so that northwest Shanxi, Shanxi Taihang three bases together into one. This estimate is too optimistic, but it is entirely possible to build on. September 16, 1940, Zhu, Peng, left jointly issued a second phase of the Hundred Regiments battle command. This command requires: First, continue to destroy the invaders traffic; Second, the depth I recover some of the basic positions within the base. The night of September 20, the second phase of the Hundred Regiments battle started. Third, the anti-In order to retaliate for the Hundred Regiments, at the end of September 1940 the Japanese army deployed a Incorporated into the battle of the troops up to five divisions, 10 independent mixed brigades and regiments and one cavalry brigade, the actual deployed about 150,000 troops. Criticism and disapproval Hundred Regiments during the period, received a national anti-Japanese front line highly, also won the praise of international anti-fascist front. Also attracted some criticism and disapproval. First, it should be noted, like any battle, as there are a lot of Hundred Regiments subjective ideas and objective reality does not conform to the mistakes, there are various errors. These mistakes and errors, from the perspective of lessons learned should be pointed out that it is necessary. In the course of Hundred Regiments, the Eighth Route Army headquarters and combat troops would continue to do this kind of criticism and self-criticism, and in actual combat inappropriate constantly adjust the plan and requirements. Second, the Japanese revenge, base in North China Hundred Regiments and indeed exacerbated the difficulties of the Eighth Route Army, the extent of this difficulty, modern people is difficult to imagine. As March 1943, Peng Zuo Quan County in a village to convene a meeting of local officials, the participants are sitting even sit hungry unstable, lying on the kang Peng had to ask everyone to meet. In this context, some of the Hundred Regiments emotional criticism can also be understood. History can not always be distorted, and like today's Chinese people as the Chinese people during the Hundred Regiments, the Hundred Regiments and their leaders, commanders, combatants and supporters full of respect. Hundred Regiments produced good political influence, irreplaceable, the more Jane Mi for a long time. Hundred Regiments Monument Monument, stands in the urban South Yangquan 6 km altitude of 1160 meters the highest peak on Shinaoshan. Here is the Monument Monument and the Hundred Regiments including the Hundred Regiments Memorial two parts. Monument is the main monument, Vice monument, carvings, inscriptions monument, beacon towers, the Vice with three main monument monument composed of a large arrow pointing to Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan railway, the implication being too Hundred Regiments to attack and destroy (stone too) Railway began. East and west sides of the four beacon and winding down of the Memorial Hall at the upper and lower hall, exhibition is divided into pieces of precious photos and images. To commemorate the mountain peak construction of the completed. The main monument 40 meters high monument, shaped like a sharp bayonet. Surface of the main monument of the three were engraved with the Peng Zhen, Xu Xiangqian, Bo's inscription. Hundred Regiments Monument global Peng wrote The most glorious page will load all go down in history shine forever. Second monument inscriptions were engraved on the front and back of the The monument buildings, structured, beautiful novel, imposing, majestic magnificent, reflecting the famous The monument is surrounded by wooded Shinaoshan Forest Park. Park built for people to visit and the rest of the Lion House, Bell Pavilion, mushrooms Pavilion, as well as repair of the Zen rock, Po Toi two temple, the Lions have a glorious revolutionary history of the brain is more magnificent peaks, beautiful! To cherish the memory of the great achievements of the anti-Japanese heroes and martyrs, the municipal government on June 30, 1987 completed completed Hundred Regiments Monument, Monument Block south, from low to high, from the main monument, three Vice-monument, a large garden sculpture, two monument inscription, beacon towers, the Highest point of the triangle is a huge platform, the platform center of the main marble monument towering, triangular corner of a deputy monument. Vice with three main monument monument monument inscriptions and two formed a huge arrow pointing Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan railway, the implication then is too Hundred Regiments to sabotage (stone too) Railway began. The main 40-meter high monument, shaped like a sharp bayonet, meaning Hundred Regiments occurred in 1940, a symbol of the Chinese nation defying brute force, powerful and unyielding, against enemies of the revolutionary spirit. Three Vice monument, shaped like a flag, a symbol of the war 129 Eighth Route Army divisions, 120 divisions and three army Jin-Cha. Three 105-meter distance between the monument deputy, meaning the 105 groups participated in the battle. 3 Vice monument trimmed 6 large wrought copper relief, in a vivid reflection of the Hundred Regiments soldiers scene. Down by the triangular platform, the first inscription from the monument to the main monument is formed between the three stages, a symbol of Hundred Regiments through three stages. Further down along the east and west sides with four beacon towers, 227 meters from the winding down of the To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the victory, Yangquan municipal government on August 15, 1985 into provincial and municipal patriotism education base parts 138, painting five, calligraphy 10 14. In 1997, the Hundred Regiments Monument (Hall) was named as the first national Central Propaganda Department, Here, the spring flowers are blooming; summer breeze, shade blocks out the sun; autumn days of high air is crisp, leaves everywhere; winter snow,[url=http://www.uggbootsclearancemalls.com][b]title=UGG Clearance[/b][/url], Wan green clumps, has formed a shape of Forest Park, as the people and the Octagon Yangquan guests travel outing, long-term perspective, the only area overlooking the urban panorama, on the one million annual tourists. Atlas Atlas entry for more pictures

entries (8)

References 1

people welcome the cpc.people.com.cn/GB/33837/2534396.html

Further reading: 1

significance http://www.people.com.cn/GB/shizheng/8198/ victory Hundred Regiments 30144/30148/2136990.html


Hundred Regiments old photos http://politics.people.com.cn/GB/8198/70654/70659/4794917.html


HE Metro Secret Hundred Regiments in the three hot spots http://military.people.com.cn/GB/12143547.html


Peng and the Hundred Regiments http://tv.people. com.cn/GB/39805/42848/207326 /

Open Category: Chinese, Sino-Japanese War, World War II, the Eighth Route Army, the sons and daughters (2) Sun Wei directed drama Hundred Regiments

Hundred Regiments War Movie Posters

Screenplay: Guoqing Feng, Xu Yuan on Sun Wei

​​relief of local 2

Director: Sun Wei


Production Manager: Xu Zhongmin, Zhao Xiaoping producer : Section Chengming camera: Zhang Heping, Wang Zutian art: Xu Junhai Composer: Chu Xing Yuan Cast: Ding Xiaoyi decorated Peng, Zhang Ya decorated Zuo Quan, Sun Feihu decorated Chiang, Fu Xuecheng decorated Liu, Lucci decorated Deng Xiaoping, the high long interest decorated Long, Tan Zongyao decorated Nie , Zhao Dengfeng decoration Zhu, Li Kejian decorated with Mao Zedong, Zhang Zhizhong Yang Chengwu ornaments and other producer, director: Zhao Xiaoping Xu Zhongmin Producer: Duan Ming Synopsis In 1940, Japan once again composed of militant Konoe Cabinet, in preparation for further expansion of the war of aggression, invasion of the Japanese side of the active implementation of the Chiang Kai-shek's lure into surrender activity on the one hand and large-scale military operations in Chengdu, Chongqing, wanton indiscriminate bombing force Chiang sum. Eighth Route Army under the leadership of the Communist Party of China Peng Deputy Commander in full swing under the command of sabotage war, to give a heavy blow to the Japanese in North China, encouraging Japanese soldiers and civilians of the country's commitment to the war! Called the The film depicts this exciting history. In order to overcome the surrender risk, boost the confidence of the National People's war, crushed the Japanese anti-Japanese base areas of my implementation of the World War II. 3 CCTV released documentary Hundred Regiments

Hundred Regiments

base of the In order to crush the Japanese attempt to break the Eighth Route Army fighting forces to more than 105 groups of about 20 million people, so called Chinese war film which tells in detail the historical background and the leaders of the CPC Central Committee analyzed and discussed the war situation, and use a lot of material, information, and Hee-chip, this battle for a detailed and authoritative review Review. I have to improve the Related articles:

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