Wednesday 14 December 2011

UGG AustrilaWay to school girls throw a crack good-hearted people to donate 75,000 kidney

accidentally fell and walk, did not expect this fall almost to the 10-year-old girl late autumn of life. Critical juncture, one well-meaning people to donate 7.5 million yuan.

to school after the late autumn feeling severe stomach pain, has been lying on the desk. 1 o'clock in the afternoon, after the teacher to the school to organize students to participate in volunteer work, and found the early spring of the exception. Teacher immediately phoned home late autumn, late autumn bike's mother arrived at the school. The doctor said, Xiaochun the abdominal cavity with blood, so that parents rushed to late autumn to a large hospital.

if not treated, late autumn of life may retain his job. Zhen-Xing Sun where the village after that, the villagers immediately launched donations, even the 80-year-old has also donated money. However, everyone take care of 1 million yuan, is totally inadequate. At this time, the village director of a sea cucumber farms stand out, he offered to investors Jiangjing Li farm call for help. Learned Zhen-Xing Sun family situation, Jiangjing Li promised,[url=]UGG Austrila[/url], give Xiaochun donated 75,000 yuan. After 10 minutes, saving money by bank transfer over.

after a doctor's careful treatment in the intensive care unit spent two weeks later, early spring condition has stabilized. March 19, to a general ward. Yesterday morning,[url=]UGG Austrila[/url], the reporter saw late autumn, the thin girl smiled to reporters, she says, she did not now where the uncomfortable feeling,[url=]UGG Austrila[/url], very good.

Xiaochun Wang, who lives in Town Tan Zhuanghe City, on the third grade. Xiaochun home not far away from the school, to school on foot. March 5 at noon, after lunch, late autumn and two companions walked together to school. Soon to the school, Xiaochun careful not to fall, just fall in the road sub-teeth on. Xiaochun fall to see the other two companions immediately holds her up, went to school together.

doctor said the treatment of disease early spring there are two ways,[url=]UGG Austrila[/url], one is immediately operative, the other is conservative treatment, but conservative treatment is very risky, kidney broken once, 10 minutes will be killed out . Think of the children is too small to take down a kidney may affect the lives of children in the future, the family decided to conservative treatment. But whether it is surgical or conservative treatment, we need a lot of costs, Zhen-Xing Sun simply can not bear. Zhen-Xing Sun Xiaochun's father is the eldest son,[url=]UGG Austrila[/url], Zhen-Xing Sun has two sons, the body has a disease, not do heavy work, home, by guaranteeing a living.

Xiaochun is bicycle back home with her mother, Zhen-Xing Sun said, when, late autumn to urinate. The results, they will come out a large share of blood. As the family had no money, Zhen-Xing Sun holding a borrowed 2500, sent to the emergency to late autumn Zhuanghe city hospital. A check, the original split of the late autumn fell right kidney. Intubation, catheterization, the early spring about the abdominal cavity blood spewing out of the scared doctor hop.

Zhen-Xing Sun said Jiangjing Li promised him, all the cost of treatment by the late autumn he came out. Moreover, if Zhen-Xing Sun to treat two sons, he can help take the money. Reporters Liu Yongbin

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