Tuesday 6 December 2011

Beef sauce practice Daquan (20 species) [


beef sauce is really delicious, I have a favorite for people who frequently eat this delicious indeed a pleasure, but to make such food indeed real need for good practice.
so I collected some sauce beef online practices, and operational after a comprehensive comparison, I selected several ways, are to recommend, you can rest days, try it yourself to get started. What a good experience, we can exchange it. Improve the cooking, enjoy the food, is our goal it!

authentic sauce beef how to do?

sauce beef meat or fish dish is a typical one in Shandong. Is now entertaining guests, the size of dinner dishes one of the most photographed. The specific historical origin of beef sauce Although different opinions, but it's delicious but it is recognized.
sauce is very particular about the choice of raw beef, cattle forelegs should only key sub-meat. This taste of the meat product made in order to achieve the best. Nowadays a number of small restaurants, hotels because of excessive taking into account the costs and problems with other parts of the meat to replace the front legs of the key sub-meat, resulting in taste, taste of the greatly reduced.
Today, we have to share at home, how to make beef sauce authentic way. I hope you lot try, you can show off in front of relatives and friends, watch their family and friends to do the dishes were wiped out, listen to them praise for your skills, then a very happy thing, but oh!
ingredients: beef meat forelegs key sub 1500 grams onion 50 grams, ginger 30 grams of salt 15 grams sugar 10 grams, 30 grams cooking wine, soy sauce 30 grams, 15 grams allspice, bay leaves 4, 5 pepper grams, cloves, 2 grams, 3 grams cumin, dried tangerine peel, 4 grams, 5 grams of licorice, cinnamon 5 grams star anise 6, some water.
1, Wash the beef, cut into lines along the veins large reserve.
2, take a clean gauze one, will clove, pepper, star anise, dried tangerine peel, cumin, cinnamon, bay leaves, licorice bag made of spice packet in which the reserve.
3, a large onion cut point of the segment, ginger shoot broken back.
4, do pot of water, 80 degrees into the beef to boil and then simmer for 1 minute and a half big around.
5, remove the beef from the pot after boiling water into the cold water in the back.
6, do the pot of water, boil down into the spice bag, sugar, onion, ginger, soy sauce and allspice.
7, re-boil to do after opening fire into the beef.
8, the fire will be smaller packages of beef cooked remove the spices after the after the fire.
9, and the remaining beef broth into the container, put together to completely cool thoroughly.
10, remove the beef into thin slices and serve.
1, beef and cook about 1 minute and a half soaked with cold water to make beef tight, so that the finished product can not easily be chopped.
2, to the remaining broth with beef and stored into the container, so you can make beef more tasty.

Beijing Fu Shun vegetarian sauce beef how to do?

complex cis-vegetarian is the founder of the Qing Emperor Kangxi Liu old shop, whenever sauce pan when beef, Meat lovers, taste floating street to attract customers to ruminate come, eager to buy, a real treat .
production methods:
1. Choice of materials: the use of complex cis-vegetarian beef cattle to use the front legs of Inner Mongolia-year-old grass, abdominal ribs, chest, sinew and other parts of the meat. These sites are characterized by thin tender affordable, both sides see the oil, butter made from beef, the meat soft, oil but not greasy, nutrient-rich.
2. Accessories: boiled pork with the materials when it is in the Tong Ren Tang pharmacy purchase, or purchase from the origin of cloves, Amomum, cardamom, Angelica, cinnamon and other high-quality seasonings. After buying these materials, in proportion to formula, and then add miso, salt, onion and soup cooking.
3. tune sauce ingredients: vegetarian complex cis-demanding process. First fresh beef washed, cut into 1 kilogram weight of a long box, and then the miso Jiaocheng watered gruel-like, into the salt, and go over with a fine Luo, excluding butter residue. Will be installed for research into traditional Chinese medicine seasoning powder, into the joint good bag for use.
4. bear meat: when the first production of Bear meat is to boil the water, it will cut beef and sauce into the pot and cook for 2 hours, remove the meat, removing slag foam, called
5. butter system: bottom then meat, bone and then stacking in the pot, add accessories bag, with bamboo and basin pressure pot. Stir and cook 1 hour before using, then simmer, and cook side against the soup, so for 12 hours before the pan. Simmer on slow fire, we should always look Huohou case, turn the pot 2. System of good sauce to brush on a layer of beef broth, after cooling is finished.
Features: oily brown color, red, tender meat rotten soft, mellow entrance is not greasy, long, rich finish. Suitable for the elderly, infants and patients eat is nourishing the body to share. Drinks, table, travel, family hospitality, no inappropriate, are a rare delicacy.

[Wen Yi beef sauce in cooking] * how * to do?

] [spiced beef
materials: Forelegs cow key sub 1000 grams
spices: cloves, pepper, star anise, dried tangerine peel, cumin, cinnamon, bay leaves, licorice (the little)
3 green onions, ginger, soy sauce 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon salt 2 tablespoons five-spice powder 1 / 2 teaspoon
1) front legs cow key sub-washed, 10cm square cut into large chunks. Pot into the water, the fire heated the beef into the boiling water the boil, remove later, soak in cold water, so beef crunch.
2) the cloves, pepper, star anise, dried tangerine peel, fennel, licorice box into the sauce (or homemade gauze material package, cinnamon and bay leaves as easy to pick it up, but also directly into the pot). Wash and cut three green onions. Wash the ginger, a knife loose.
3) the casserole into the amount of water, fire heat, turn into the spices, ginger, soy sauce, soy sauce, sugar, allspice. Boiled into the beef and continue to use high heat for about 15 minutes, turn the meat cooked to a small fire. Rolling about with chopsticks, you can smoothly pass through. Remove the beef pieces, placed in ventilated, cool place for 2 hours.
4) the cooling beef, boil the soup into the small fire simmer for half an hour. After dishing out baked, cooled and cut into thin slices can be.
super wordy:
** The second step in the cold water immersion method is very critical, so as not to omit ha, or boiled meat would be more loose, taste slightly worse.
** The third step in the placement of cooling, if you think too long, just let cool completely on the line, but this step is also very important oh ~ ~
decomposition ing:
foreleg cow key sub-washed, cut into 10cm square chunks. Pot into the water, the fire heated the beef into the boiling water the boil, remove later, soak in cold water, so beef crunch.

the cloves, pepper, star anise, dried tangerine peel, fennel, licorice box into the sauce (or homemade gauze material package, cinnamon and bay leaves as easy to pick it up, but also directly into the pot). Wash and cut three green onions. Wash the ginger, a knife loose.
soy sauce 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon salt 2 tablespoons five-spice powder 1 / 2 teaspoon

casserole into the amount of water, fire heat, turn into the spice , ginger, soy sauce, soy sauce, sugar, allspice. Boiled into the beef and continue to use high heat for about 15 minutes, turn the meat cooked to a small fire. Rolling about with chopsticks, you can smoothly pass through. Remove the beef pieces, placed in ventilated, cool place for 2 hours.

will cool a good beef, boil the soup into the small fire simmer for half an hour. After

stew filled out, can be cooled and cut into thin slices.

halal beef sauce how to do?

halal beef sauce the color red sauce, oily light. Slices intact dispersed, cut surface color red bean paste, a small amount of muscle tendon in yellow and transparent. Eat moderate salty, crisp and tender and tasty, ideal for people on the table delicacies.
production methods:
1. Ingredients: raw beef 100 kg.
secondary subjects: miso 10 kg, 3 kg of salt, 250 grams of cinnamon, clove, 250 grams, Amomum 250 grams, anise 500 grams.
2. Processing methods:
① choose finishing materials. Not fat not thin selection of fresh beef, soaked with cold water, wash congestion, clean and wash the meat with a scrubbing brush, remove the bones. Then cut into pieces of about 0.75-1 kilograms, the thickness of not more than 40 cm, and wash into the water, were stored at Laonen meat.
② tune sauce. 50 kg pot add water, a little warm, add the amount of salt to be 1 / 2 and miso. Boil 1 hour, skim foam sauce on the noodles, poured into a container within the reserve.
③ beef pot installed. First in the bottom of the pot and around the mat meat bones to make the meat is not close to the pot wall, and then press the fleshy meat codes in the pot will be old or young, the old code in the bottom of the meat department, tender on top, front legs , the meat in the middle sub-chamber.
④ sauce system. Meat in the pot and put away, tune into the good miso soup. Boil and then add a variety of ingredients, and with the pressure plate pressure is good pot (pressure cooker method is to use pressure in the beef on bamboo board, bamboo put a big tub filled with water, or a bucket of water to suppress.), add water, stir cooking about 4 hours. The first hour after cooking, skim floating foam noodles, and then turn the pot every hour 1. According to consumption of soup, appropriately adding soup, so that each piece of meat can be soaked in the soup. Four hours after cooking, stir, then cook Weihuo simmer 4 hours, the aroma slowly infiltrated into the meat. Simmer when cooked, turn the pot every hour 1, so that meat Shulan consistent.
⑤ pan: press pot, the bank up a fire, the pan simmer for 6 hours. When to use a special iron pan beat, steady care to do light flat shovel and scoop readily washed soup pot, the meat code drawer in a sterile plate, the pan after the meat on the bamboo inside the drawer so that the sauce beef to break up and cool down after use can be cut. Make a pot of sauce beef takes about 8 hours per 50 kg of raw beef can be cooked 25 kg.

beautiful private kitchens of spiced beef how to do?

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 3 hours
tendons meat a child (about 1000g), miso 100 grams of cooking wine 3 tablespoons (45 ml), pepper 1 teaspoon (5 grams), 1 small piece cinnamon, soy sauce, 1 tablespoon (15 ml) salt 2 teaspoons (10 grams) white sugar 1 tablespoon (15 grams), 1 small piece ginger, star anise 2 large Onion a
1. meat surface with water washed dirt tendons, the entire pot into cold water high heat, boil the water after the Xuemo skim, and cook side write, about 15 minutes, the blood on the inside cleaned up. Remove meat and drain.
2. the tendons in the meat into the soup pot, add hot water to the surface of the meat had not completely, into the soy sauce, miso, salt, sugar, cooking wine, scallion, ginger and pepper-like into a gauze bag, large material, cinnamon, cap high heat for half an hour, then simmer for 2 hours or more small adjustment, the last big lift the lid and then simmer for 15 minutes, so even tasty meat.
3. remove tendons meat, a pair of chopsticks shelves in a large bowl, drain the meat on top and let cool.
4. surface beef, let cool completely tight, you can slice up. Cut pork should be going against the direction of the fiber, and transfer to a plate bearing sheet.

spiced sauce beef how to do?

Ingredients: beef (too fat) 500 grams
spices: salt, 4 grams, 4 grams of soy sauce, sweet sauce 5 grams, 3 grams cooking wine, ginger 3 grams, sesame oil 10 grams, 3 grams of MSG, five-spice powder 5 grams sugar 5 grams
1, the beef cuts, with Qianzi bar several times, and then the sugar, nitrate, salt, allspice mixed together, mix the beef, put the container, add ginger, on the ballast, reclosable. Turning once a day;
2,7 days, washed blood, and then cold water float 1 hour, into the boiling water pot and boil for a short transparent;
3, set the fire pan, sesame oil, sweet sauce, monosodium glutamate and amount of water, stir well, then add soy sauce, cooking wine, to be opened, the next into the beef pieces;
4, the fire to boil, remove the heat and simmer 20 minutes, remove and transfer to a plate of beef block sections.
process Hint: also known as rice wine
dishes taste wine: Sauvignon spiced dish.
Usage: Breakfast | Lunch | Dinner | Snacks with grams
recipe: beef not with chestnut, snail, brown sugar, chives, white wine, with fresh pork.
recipe Nutrition: Beef is rich in rich in protein, amino acid composition of pork is closer than the body needs, can improve the body resistance to diseases and surgery on the growth and development, aftercare of people in the supplementary loss of blood, tissue repair and other sectors, especially suitable winter food beef can be warm stomach, share and benefit of the season; beef with Bu Zhong Yi Qi, nourish the spleen and stomach, strong bones, Wind, phlegm, thirst-quenching effect of saliva only, suitable for the gas under the implicit, shortness of breath, body empty, limp muscles, anemia of chronic illness and dazzling yellow face human consumption.
delicious Tips: home fried meat dishes, pan dishes are not beautiful color, the color was brown the beef, pork, soy sauce, then add silk if not pale, if the hotel brought out of the sauté meat, bright bright and tender, the more is the addition of If you are a wise consumer, should not be too Although they do not nitrite toxicity, but excessive use of the same adverse health.

Australian beef flavored sauce how to do?
Australia does not destroy the flavor of beef pay attention to the nutritional value of food, which features really are unique.

1. Australian beef flavored butter flavor characteristics
Australian beef is Maotai, low-temperature processing of cooked food. Good taste, with fresh, cool light, delicate and not Seya features. Yet without losing the original taste of the meat, products exactly like ham, has its own unique flavor, the beef-based sauce worthy of the best.
Australian beef flavor sauce, its biggest feature is a high production rate, per 1 kg of raw beef can be cooked out of 0.8 ~ 0.9 kg. Butter than ordinary methods of beef production increased nearly 2-fold, the same efficiency also increased nearly 2-fold.
2. Australian beef flavor sauce choice of materials
take no sub-cap tendon meat (beef thigh meat) or meat can be general. Each of 1 to 1.5 kg is appropriate.
3. Australian flavor sauce beef production methods
(1) injection of additives. The massive injection of raw beef special additives (NHD-95, Harbin, Hong Kong and Macao technology development company available). 50 ml syringe can be used for medical, into the prepared additives, more times into the beef. Per 500 grams of raw beef, against the required 10 g 125 g cold water additives formulated into the additive solution for injection. To inject uniformity, depth to the middle of the meat, so as not to spill liquid additive, resulting in unnecessary waste.
(2) tumbling process. After injection of additives to the raw beef tumbling process, to continue to flip meat by hand, until the liquid additives uniformly distributed in the raw beef, raw beef, soft to date. Spillover in the process of turning the raw beef additives has been fully absorbed, the tumbling time is about 10 minutes. Remember that water can not buy meat, the meat can not be completely absorbed by liquid water additive, which affects the quality of beef and butter system.
(3) preserved. Will roll the kneaded raw beef on the environmental conditions of 10 ℃, put the pot 20 to 25 hours.
(4) cooking. The marinated raw beef into 100 ℃ boiling water, so that the pot of water temperature maintained at 75 ~ 85 ℃, continue to cook 2 to 3 hours cooking process to turn 1, to prevent the impact of quality beef paste pot and taste, cook until the pan.
Australian beef flavor sauce is also suitable to engage in the production of small batch production, especially in the cities and towns, people's living standards, such beef flavor is also regarded as travel, lunch, convenience foods, and its succulent non-perishable, save a long time , is relatively healthy food.

Beijing sauce beef how to do?

diets: tendons sub-500 grams salt 2 grams soy sauce, sweet bean paste 100 grams sugar 15 grams onion 50 grams cooking wine 10 grams 50 grams 50 grams fresh ginger garlic sesame oil 25 g 10 35 g of meat material
approach: < br> 1. the tendons cis meat cut into fist-sized pattern pieces, boiled with water thoroughly to remove the net after Xuemo.
2. would green onions, ginger, choose clean, cut into pieces with the garlic, salt, soy sauce, miso, sugar, cooking wine, sesame oil, meat, feed into the pot, add beef broth to boil, cook miso soup .
3. the beef into the sauce pot, in order to diffuse prevail over beef and cook for 5 to 10 minutes, slightly change people Jiong about 2-3 hours, keeping the soup bubbling slightly open, flip to ground beef, so that heat evenly, until the sauce is getting stronger, beef with bamboo chopsticks can be when the fish stick through, let cool, cut into thin slices, you can transfer to a plate food.
process key:
1. Meat Ingredients: pepper, 50 grams of aniseed 10 grams, 10 grams cinnamon, cloves, 2 grams, five grams of dried tangerine peel, Pak Mong 5 grams, Amomum 5 grams, cardamom 5 grams anise 2 grams cumin 2 grams. Meat production over the vegetable material of 1 / 3, wrapped with gauze, Shaoxing rice wine cooking wine is appropriate.
2, the remaining soup gravy skim the oil slick, what with the BEAN BAG filter cloth, leaving the sauce to use something else.
3. beef should be boiled and cooked through
features: Beijing the first production of beef sauce, is a horse home Yueshengzhai, and now nearly 250 years of history. Production was simple, but very particular about the choice of materials, must flank or leg meat, butter must be dog day old with sauce, spices should be carefully selected. Of particular importance is that it was a set of traditional production techniques and skills to master the furnace, and with 100 years of that pot brine. Therefore products with unique flavor, not only famous in Beijing, but also famous in the country.

Korean beef sauce how to do?

· Ingredients: Beef Shank meat a child (about 1000g), miso 100 grams of cooking wine 3 tablespoons (45 ml) pepper 1 teaspoon (5 grams), 1 small piece cinnamon, soy sauce, 1 tablespoon (15 mL ), salt, 2 teaspoons (10 grams) white sugar 1 tablespoon (15 grams), 1 small piece ginger, star anise 2 large light blue one (HaoChi123.com)
·: 1. washed with water tendons of meat surface contamination, the entire pot into cold water high heat, boil the water after the Xuemo skim, written while cooking side, about 15 minutes or so, on the inside of the blood cleaned up. Remove meat and drain.
2. the tendons in the meat into the soup pot, add hot water to the surface of the meat had not completely, into the soy sauce, miso, salt, sugar, cooking wine, scallion, ginger and pepper-like into a gauze bag, large material, cinnamon, cap high heat for half an hour, then simmer for 2 hours or more small adjustment, the last big lift the lid and then simmer for 15 minutes, so even tasty meat.
3. remove tendons meat, a pair of chopsticks shelves in a large bowl, drain the meat on top and let cool.
4. surface beef, let cool completely tight, you can slice up. Cut pork should be going against the direction of the fiber, and transfer to a plate bearing sheet.
· Nutritional value: Beef - Beef is rich in creatine: creatinine concentration in beef than any other food, which makes the growth of muscles, increase strength particularly effective
method two: --- not spicy beef cut into 5 cm square blocks, with soy sauce, aniseed, chicken, sugar, onion, ginger, salt, white pepper simmer on 8 hours (one night on the line), water stew cooked up. Need to simmer for three hours (beef bad bad).
the other is hot: beef cut into 5 cm square block, oil pan to the heat, add beef, stir-fry until Roujin (no oil in the water up), put the sugar, red chili tip (as Quantitative own taste), soy sauce, aniseed, chicken, sugar, onion, ginger, salt, a flavor, the heat boiled (must be hot). Need to simmer for three hours (beef bad bad).
after editing: first beef and key sub-water to take what (what is water boiled, the meat on a stick of dirty ash removal), remove the dirty foam.
there: Do not make life easier and provincial fire with a pressure cooker, not delicious.
Ingredients: selection of fresh beef. Seasoning: Sand Jen, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, aniseed, cumin yarn of 2 g Bouza into small pockets. Onion, a little ginger, garlic and pepper spare. Cleaning: first choose the right beef into the water, soak 4-6 hours, the beef of the foam out of congestion, wash, rinse four times. Sugar color: put a little base oil wok, heat the oil after the sugar into the pan fried, to grasp the furnace,[url=http://www.style-jackets.com][b]title=Moncler Sale[/b][/url], saw the open water into a foam when you add sugar, color, amount of sugar put by the amount of beef, such as one kilogram probably put a two or so. Cooking: pot laying bone or bamboo board, laying the middle of the meat tenderizer, meat, laying the old edges, against the feed water, add spices pocket, soy sauce (more points), onion, ginger, garlic and other stir-cook for half an hour later pressure pot. Pressure cooker method is to use bamboo boards or other dishes such as pressure in the beef, the bamboo material to suppress the increase. Pan: press pot, Gaixiao fire (Tang Ganggang starting to cook), simmer for 3 hours the pan. Pan when asked to do light steady flat shovel, pan after the meat on the bamboo tray so that the sauce in beef break up and cool down after use can be cut.
make a pot of sauce beef takes about 4 hours. ~ ~

Private Chen sauce beef dishes ... ... how to do?
sauce cooked beef is a common, far apart the various flavors of sauce did not eat beef, eat or eat to love our family this one. That is not just made, basically ancestral, light soup that has been handed down 24 years of history, which ones with which, so that children can often think of hometown flavor, the taste of childhood. The production process are recorded, so that everyone on the Internet,
main raw material: tendons sub-meat (like a cow on the market in Shenzhen Exhibition)

's look at another angle, cut into pieces, such as fist-sized meat

placed in the pot with high heat

prepare a water Xiaopen colander and small eyes look ready to write foam

, cook the meat for a while, it begins to foam out of a

Write a colander with a small foam

to see written out of the foam, more dirty! Note that while cooking side write, then the fire can be smaller, keep boiling on the line, about 10 minutes, meat in the blood was cleaned up

remove meat and drain water, the pot of soup After settling into the sediment basin once again stand

the onions, ginger, garlic, cut into pieces

into the pressure cooker, place onion, ginger, garlic, pepper powder, star anise (north called aniseed), cinnamon, sugar, soy sauce, salt, red pepper and other condiments (do not like spicy chili can hold)

most important thing is to put soup (the soup has been my home 24 years, very mellow), a pot of soup over the meat surface to completely not, lack of good beef soup with precipitation to replenish the fire to boil

pressure cooker lid cover, outlet deduction valve, jet fire off after 10 minutes, with furnace cooling, is both the fire and make the meat taste

fully into the pot completely cooled, remove the meat until the meat and let cool cover

Refrigerate food on film, this time spiced beef is ready. If the enamel pots with lids or food box is even more convenient

need to completely cool thoroughly. When eating, take out some sauce beef, cut into thin plate. The attention to the vertical cut pork fiber direction, so do not forget to taste good

stay soup ah: soup pot with a colander to aniseed and other fish in the Cong Jiangsuan throw away the rest is soup of the soup cool and so thoroughly

not freezing cold, put it back in the pot into the freezer spare

how? Want to try? One can do more, some of refrigerated freezer into the refrigerator some day cut on a small dish, willing to put the sauce can also be arbitrary, soy sauce, wow, wow vinegar, garlic, ah can be at home with children and teenagers are long the body, especially a man or boy, they are a symbol of strength, how can I missing meat diet? People pay attention to the Northeast to eat meat, do not joke, ha ha!

beef beer sauce how to do?

View Original Source: [url = http://1812.img.pp.sohu.com.cn/images/blog/2008/5/9/13/16/11a707260fc.jpghttp:// 1812.img.pp.sohu.com.cn/images/blog/2008/5/9/13/16/11a707260fc.jpg [/ url [/ url]]
beer and soy sauce is made out of soy sauce sauce beef
material: Figure Other: octagonal two tendons on the line sub-meat sauce soy sauce sugar

View Original Source: [url = http://1822.img.pp.sohu.com. cn/images/blog/2008/5/9/13/17/11a707399ca.jpghttp: / / 1822.img.pp.sohu.com.cn/images/blog/2008/5/9/13/17/11a707399ca. jpg [/ url [/ url]]
beef washed into the water containers after about half an hour to soak in the bloody

View Original Source: [url = http://1812. img.pp.sohu.com.cn/images/blog/2008/5/9/13/20/11a7075a959.jpghttp: / / 1812.img.pp.sohu.com.cn/images/blog/2008/5 / 9/13/20/11a7075a959.jpg [/ url [/ url]]
practice: 1 into the beer to the pot, into the Cong Jiangsuan octagonal bay leaves, beef, beer, probably can not seen to, I with 3 bottles of beer (a lot of sauce left something else sauce soup can)
2. boil, pour soy sauce soy sauce (soy sauce color with less than) sugar
3. turn the smallest The fire slowly cook a half hour on it.
4. turn off the heat out of beef, let cool (be sure to dry thoroughly) I worry this is not to cut through the air, and very good cut. (I know ye not cut, they just cut the waste of beef)
5. miso soup and keep the sauce with something else.
6. There is no beer, the taste of beef, the use of materials is not very complicated, try the taste, uh, pretty good.

View Original Source: [url = http://1812.img.pp.sohu.com.cn/images/blog/2008/5/9/13/25 / 11a707ab0a2.jpghttp: / / 1812.img.pp.sohu.com.cn/images/blog/2008/5/9/13/25/11a707ab0a2.jpg [/ url [/ url]]

View Original Source: [url = http://1832.img.pp.sohu.com.cn/images/blog/2008/5/9/13/26/11a707b4700.jpghttp://1832.img.pp. sohu.com.cn/images/blog/2008/5/9/13/26/11a707b4700.jpg [/ url [/ url]]

Sichuan sauce beef how to do?
bought beef yesterday, today, to eat, hehe. I remember last time there is a way to ask the barrel, I also look at the practice, their practice, well, next time the whole point of Duck Han, fit together, is definitely very authentic Fuqifeipian. Practices are as follows: beef fried with hot water, rinse and set aside.

Guo Lifang water, add all the spices, star anise, pepper, cassia twig, pepper, onion, ginger, hawthorn, there are other spices can join. Did not increase according to the time finished.

water boil, put the beef into them, in the heat and simmer for half an hour, simmer for 1 hour,[url=http://www.uggclearancemall.com/][b]title=UGG Sale[/b][/url], and then, very important, this time add soy sauce, I put the sky, high Rail Sim soy sauce 25ml, soy sauce 10ml, a little salt, and cook for an hour. Like this time, turn off the heat, hot beef soup on one night. I cooked last night, tonight it out for food.

color is not particularly deep, experienced friend, pointing pointing it, huh.

then cut into pieces, transfer to a plate. Sauce: vinegar, a little chicken powder, oil, foam peanuts, black sesame seeds, it is best to put some parsley, our household wood there.
taste, really taste better than the outside Fuqifeipian difference! ! Put some more stuff next time, comparable to Fuqifeipian. Make their own food now! More time, then eat one week, coming back from work at night so the easy way of food, and more beautiful ~

gold mother how to do dishes fragrant sauce beef?
mother's beef sauce has been widely welcomed, many people have learned to follow my mom, everyone says is good taste than sold out, of course, I think so friends. The key is the role of beef in this sauce is really very broad ah. You can slice food; can cut the pieces that mix points broth, became caught in the tortillas in the beef-mo, this is like my dad, eat breakfast two or three, however, for as my husband is even more powerful friends, who eat up to six, is also intended to still taste best. . . . . . You can also make tomato beef soup, beef curry, etc. ~ ~ ~ ~ No matter how short, eat, eat whenever you are invincible delicious ~!
very detailed record of this process, a lot of pictures. But do not be scared ha, is very simple. After a mother's personal guidance, I have learned to friends ~ ~ since you can own, hum, let mom rest ~ ~

4 pounds beef (rib fan), onions, ginger, Sauce package 3 packages, hawthorn slice, sugar, honey, salt, soy sauce, beer, water
Sauce pack with Pang in mind, this easy to use them. If not, with aniseed, bay leaves, cinnamon is also possible. To one Sauce Seasoning photo:

first step: the beef fly water. Mom had somehow one day in advance, so do not photographed the process. Simple anyway, say about it. Wash the beef bought, cut into fist block. A pot of water, until the time into the open water Bacheng some wine, then add beef until the meat becomes white on it. Note Do not open until the water under the meat, that would make the meat at once tight organization of living, taste bad. Flying over the water of beef with warm water about, look like this:

real friends to begin the process of stew ~

fleshy put away, and began to put the spices, in order to see clearly with the larger Ha ~

then to:

spices are put away, put the pan tilt and see soup, soup color is not enough if you feel heavy, you can recapture some soy sauce . Mom to do is this color, according to her is not enough weight, but I think ah ~

enough to put together a sauce, stew pull ~ ~ ~ open home with the mother when the old-fashioned pressure cooker, that new electric pressure cooker is my touch back to their small house, hehe. Mainly I stupid, do not use this old-fashioned. . . . Wait until the pot on the gas after the stew 10 minutes on it. This is because the rib fan, so the time shorter. If it is solid after the rump, it is necessary 15-20 minutes. Chi Chi is a pressure cooker steaming, the appearance of indifference, but inside is hot boiling ~~~~< br>
10 minutes later, no gas ~ ~ ~ this time you can taste the taste, not salty - and then put some salt on a stew over low heat 5 minutes, enter into the salt taste. This multi-rib stew not a fan, which will dissipate delicious ribs. If it is strong meat to stew for a little more than 10-15 minutes it ~

can finally pull the pan, warm the beef, eat one, covered with fragrant comfortable that ah ~ ~ ~

fan I like to eat ribs, the meat is tender, easy tasty, but also some muscle tendons Phi Phi, and is fun to eat it ~ ~ ~ ~ after hip meat too hard, I do not bite that a denture moving ah. . . . .

can put slice to eat after cool ~ ~ ~ Dad like this way of eating. Every morning, my mom baked a few coarse grains, tortillas, a bowl of cornmeal porridge, and then cut the two pieces of beef, Dad ate it with relish. Wait to see his mother's more comfortable ah. Dad now also sweet, and often boast home mom is a big hero, Oh ~

this is dedicated to what I do, of course, swept Qula ~ ~ ~ I dedicated beef barrels, all carry four pounds of beef to go ~~~~< br>
put in the refrigerator for a while, have formed a ~ ~ white is cold butter, can be dug out with a teaspoon ~ ~ ~ spicy hot pot is said to use of butter, so consider it so fragrant ~ ~ save some, get their own pot at home, eat ha ~

I finally winded Wanla ~ ~ ~ you help friends, it is very simple meat sauce ~ ~ ~ ~ simple, looking delicious, eating at ease, but also a sense of accomplishment finished ah, ha ha ~~~~< br>
Super irreparably beef sauce how to do?
miss the ancient novel, an outlaw to the pub to do, to loud Oh, a small two to two pounds of beef, come back a couple of pounds on a good daughter
red. This atmosphere was great! ! !
now this wine easy to handle, can be a tapas beef generally do not come out for my taste, you see.
Super Mengliao sauce beef! ! !
saliva, prepared from! ! ! !
Beef meat with a fork inserted a lot of eye make good tasty.

pepper is the key


Ballantine whiskey.


which is flooded in the refrigerator for two days look.


stew pan

how to do simple version of the sauce beef?
sauce beef, has always wanted to do, but terrified of food.
said Yueshengzhai sauce beef, has a good line to sell not buy a woman hurry up and give the treasurer under the deposit, the treasurer replied slowly, even, to pay the deposit to fail to get you. The woman had no choice but to leave. To achieve this were beef sauce, everyone's taste is not called a meat, but had a sub-expansive. Also, do make the best beef sauce, was undoubtedly the grandparents in that generation, the use of materials and full private secret, with blazing firewood, crackling of burning the meat mixed with spices, unique sense of taste, in the dispersed in the air a long time not open. Familiar with the taste, feelings of nostalgia, a thin piece of meat, but all-inclusive. Plus listening Yueshengzhai legend, so I am reluctant to start, if done well, so do not want to challenge a classic dishes.
really itchy, more afraid to do, the more want to do, this heart of stone pressure in the hearts of several months, finally ran angrily market, bought a piece of meat back on the good tendons child, a little death-defying spirit :). Search the web a bit spiced beef, actually came out more than a dozen versions. Complex simple version of the Korean version of his own creation, are numerous. Finally, only a combination of several versions, which lasted day and night, and finally to make a delicious sauce of beef. Suddenly a big catch his breath, I can finally put down the burden of beef sauce.
First, you have to buy a good tendons on the sub-meat, a pound a couple of pounds can be. What is known as Shang Hao? Do it for the beef sauce. I like to eat a bite nutty sauce of beef, so I like a little reinforcement. So it will only food for thought.

bought meat, repeatedly washed first with cold water. Purpose is to wash away the blood. Then dip in cold water 1 hour

then onions, ginger, 2 tablespoons of wine put pickled. The refrigerator to wait 1 hour

ready stewed beef spices: onion, ginger, pepper 3 (personal preference), sugar, salt, Shi Sanxiang (supermarket on sale), star anise, fennel.
take the pot, heat the water, then put the beef down, cook the blood. Cook about 15-20 minutes.
out, stick with the surface of the beef knocked loose.

the seasoning into the tile pot. Best tile pot. Brewed out of the meat really is very fragrant.

into the bowl of soy sauce, 2 bowls of water.

and beef into the material, the fire boil 40 minutes, a small fire for 20 minutes. Guo Lifang 6-8 hours and then wait for its tasty, waiting for the familiar sense of smell, the taste of happiness.

finally out.

cut very thin pieces! Well pound of beef, stewed remaining after such a point, next to buy pounds for it.

topped with homemade ingredients: 2 tablespoons of Lee Kum Kee Hong sauce, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 3 tablespoons of cold boiled, stir garlic capacity can be. Stir beef in the refrigerator, the World Cup is a good husband snacks!

taste of fish sauce, beef secret system how to do?

View Original Source: [url = http://1804.img.pp.sohu.com.cn/images/2008/5/30/0/26/11ad550e37d.jpghttp://1804. img.pp.sohu.com.cn/images/2008/5/30/0/26/11ad550e37d.jpg [/ url [/ url]]
childhood food --- sauce beef then beef sauce they are all brown, not red like the present tender lips. do not know the middle of cattle breeds some problem or what, buy a piece of beef when the beef is the name of the banner to do lights and who knows I have zero time to change his mind and ran a beef sauce. Do not seem as dry as beef sauce out of the shape of wood, in fact, taste is very soft, very fragrant drops.
remember, oh, delicious sauce of beef to be divided into three Walk: pickled. bittern. boring system. ha ha I own from the name, it seems like kind of mold *^_^*< br> pickled:
1. beef one. toothpick in the top bar with a lot of holes in order to facilitate penetration of taste if someone stuffiness coincides with the students. then this process is a super good way to vent.
2. pickling spices to use to: Mountain residue. octagonal. galangal. White Bandits. cinnamon . candy. and there are some, like you can add, without also.
3. all the spices with beef mixture.
4. plus wine. add soy sauce. I have put a dark soy sauce some of. have not seen the amount of beef to completely.
5. because the family just did lo, so I put halogen material bag full of material spread on top, and throw is thrown, and give full play to the remaining value of the thing of which there are chili, pepper, grass and fruit. Pelargonium. The next step is to cover the lid in the refrigerator. at least feed 24 hours.
6. marinated beef.

View Original Source: [url = http://1814.img.pp.sohu.com.cn/images/2008/5/29/22/26/11ad4e2f6fe.jpghttp://1814.img.pp.sohu.com.cn / images/2008/5/29/22/26/11ad4e2f6fe.jpg [/ url [/ url]]
to 24 hours after the start bittern:
7. the marinated beef, spices and sauce all into the pot. doubled the water. and scallion. I do not add water directly to the day before the gravy poured all the things inside to cook.
8. a teaspoon of miso water of the open back.
9 under the water to boil beef.
10. into the opening of the miso. the fire to boil again, turn off the small fire slowly according to the size of cook a beef and a half hour after not familiar with the lid opened . I remember Oh, do not reveal, so that the natural beef in the pan cool.
boring system: natural cooling of beef, not out, and the marinade into the refrigerator with more than 12 hours. Well, slices, sprinkle some pepper Enjoy delicious it.

View Original Source: [url = http://1812.img.pp.sohu.com.cn/images/2008/5/29/21/26/11ad4ac73c3 . jpghttp: / / 1812.img.pp.sohu.com.cn/images/2008/5/29/21/26/11ad4ac73c3.jpg [/ url [/ url]]
beef sauce is really good partner the number of non-red pepper Mo You do not need too much, even a bit of taste buds that can instantly have a different feel. really, even if Shaoshao that can play a role, so even if the number of people who can not eat spicy food add a little it. that is only present in the hot lips hot above with other spicy Sichuan cuisine is not the same feeling.

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beef sauce home how to do?
recent homesick face, and beef to eat in Beijing is not authentic, the weekend to learn to do their supermarket bought beef sauce beef. Version is a lot of tutorials online, I essence, set all of the sauce into creating its own beef, quack ~ ~ ~
practices are as follows:
1, choice of materials: a selection of meat, tendons son, auxiliary with dry miso, sand benevolence, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, aniseed, cumin, etc. are made.

2, washing: first choose the beef into the water, soak 1 hour, the congestion in the bubble out of beef, washed, and then cut into fist-sized, small cook about water, The purpose is to Xuemo to clean. Beef fish out of water drained.

3, transfer sauce: miso with water to dilute, and add salt and mix well.
4, cooking: the beef into the sauce pot and cook 1 hour. Always turn the meat during the period.

5, after an hour until beef color, add accessories on the map, as well as pepper, ginger, onions, sugar and boiling water, then stir and cook for 1 hour. Or to turn the meat frequently during.

6, so the system after two hours of sauce, meat sauce on the well. If you want more flavor, you can soak the beef soup one day on the sauce even more delicious.

7, slices into the dish. (I really Daogong general A general, a thick cut of beef sauce

well, more delicious than the supermarket to buy, and do not believe JMM also try.

To authentic beef noodle bowl home, called fancies, and Oh ~ ~

cat home Need
raw beef sauce: beef cattle money tendon 4 --- in fact, even like to eat mouth without teeth is not reinforced well .. bite does not move
soy sauce, soy sauce, sweet sauce, 8 large angle, etc., etc. Anyway, Fennel fennel stew is expected to friends ~ ~ can buy into a package
large scallion ginger photographed, see Related articles:

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