Monday 19 December 2011

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movie images (19 Zhang) personality, dignity and principles of peaceful coexistence, peace smooth to spend their life is not good for you? why should attack each other, mutually exclusive, do not want others to a corner? Gou Ji had to jump off the wall, the rabbit desperate bite. harm to others while on the road has its own planted the seeds of the future. Chulai Hun, sooner or later have to repay. his own happiness in other people's suffering, and ultimately bear the with pay for the risk low-key life skills, keeping a low profile, can be considered the principle of my life has always been. Watch pen cents from the entry above for more Atlas Atlas


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original poem Dramas (scattered rhyme) Quotes Appreciation story continues with Ryoko consistent antiquity, landscaping, showing a looming sense of the supernatural. poetry of the ancient mirror with integrated Wonderland, to express the author's hope the idea of ​​love. on February 24, 2011 published words: 185 words. original poem Dramas ( scattered rhyme) situation such as the abyss, love sleepless interpretation of residual changes, like tears through. buckle means moon, ink for whom speech, Jushui took home Geshi Love, this is not the first complex to meet again. nonetheless an embroidery flower and Xie , also I met as first saw. mirror incense greets, an impressionistic moments of love, Who in the flower before? hope fold kite. dreams Tang Shiqiu night, the shadow of the day waiting for her to appear, smell the down the final dot, send pen cents. Appreciation is a tangle, is a love of meditation, such as God can help, like the mare go. beautiful poetry mood, looming mysterious, emotional Duhou true. allusions 1 Vacant: empty and quiet atmosphere with a flexible 2. streams: the mountains of the ditch. ① Tang Yingwu ② Ming Liu Ji, fold kite: broken iris. Quotes ①. incense greets the mirror, an impressionistic moments of love, and who in the flower before? hope fold kite. ②. dreams Tang Shiqiu night, the shadow of the day waiting for her to The emergence of smell the ink last fall, sending pen cents 7. Seoul China relations in 2012 directed the film pen cents Synopsis level release time online viewing audience comments showtimes


3. young child with a novel pen cents, young child,

movie great supernatural fiction series , 80 suspense writer, but had published of popular supernatural novel Password Contemporary Several college students to pursue stimulus, in rented housing plays a game called This is not by chance, this is a conspiracy when the protagonist of the story - 28 generations of disciples Zhongnanshan Xiaoqing aware of this, he has completely into the whole person, ... ... 4. kozo the novel pen cents seen in the first pass of the horror stories of Chinese Internet, China's network of terror known as the pioneer for the novel, strange horror of its content, is still affecting the present popular suspense novel. Most like online reading and reading horror stories, suspense novels friends have seen the article on the network in the network reproduced the process, Share has been renamed the pen fairy story, lies in a rented apartment. apartment location called Thunder Mountain, a remote location. The apartment has some strange things, for example, has a mirror above the bed, door chimes, I do not know the source of the cat called, etc. out of ignorance, curiosity, and do not believe, there will be a black cat ... ... 5 of the novel pen pencil cents



movie information Synopsis Movie Cast and crew information Baike card More Douban critic critic Douban Douban Overall Rating: 6.2 2006-10-05 not harm the child's heart.

Title: pen cents (2012) Genre: Horror / Thriller / Mystery released: 2012 Location: China / Hong Kong, China Language: Mandarin / Cantonese / English Produced by: Beijing Film Culture Media Co., Ltd. Jersey's Synopsis Xiao Wu , Mu Fan, Liu slightest, Ling is non-child drama school seniors, are good friends, but also two pairs of lovers. Just before graduation, a suburban home rental antique courtyard. to stay the night, due to power outages, four play Please pen fairy game, who knows from opening a Pandora's box as if they have committed your first big taboo pen cents - ask cents death pen, pen shed a drop of blood and tears, the rush to the end of your pen fairy games, it is also committed the second taboo - do not get pen cents. In the evening, Resentment of the when the end of that is just a nightmare, do not know that this is precisely the beginning of a nightmare. mysterious black woman holding a black cat is always around them come and go, Resentment floated middle of the night singing, courtyard strange neighbor eyes and pointing, the neighbor's yard covered with dead trees, whole grain black, empty streets late at night crept into the shadow of their past, plagued by nightmares and gradually lose the norm of four students ... ... Chrysanthemum tell them, if not send pen cents, then it would have been pestering them, this is a curse die endlessly. Xiao Wu and Mu Uncle Joe who decided to find the whereabouts of the owner the truth, who knows what he has seen close to the photo graves at the same time, the slightest, and Ling Liu also met children hold non-black cat lady, she was possessed of the slightest hint Liu Ling non-... ... Mu where children and discuss the pen cents away, then she was on the stage drama performances, was a prop knife stabbed admitted in the hospital, children are afraid to get rid of non-Ling Liu slightest. Liu slightest sadly sad, collapsed in heavy rain, lost the opportunity to star in TV series woman II. subsequent more and more to the slightest strange Liu, Xiao Wu love her though she was suspected of fairy pen possessed, still stubbornly persists, but could not stop a curse come again. deep black night, Mu where the throat wide open, floating on the water willow trace body, holding the black cat lady again ... ... who is the prophecy which was possessed by the people? what would happen in order for the curse disappear? terrorist incidents together behind what is in the claws? crew Wang produced Producer producer Ming Ming Qiu Cheng Liu Hong; Chen Qing; Liu Bin; Hu Ming-yi, deputy director, director of off Seoul (assistant) Deng Huijun; screenwriter Wang Jing Zhou luxuriantly; Liang Xiaoxiao; Zhu Bei photography props Peas casting director Li Jian Wang Chen / KIMI ( Taiwan) Art and Design Ma Hongtao design fashion design Wang Lingling Cheng Chiu; Fang visual effects lighting Boxiang Yong Wang Dan would like to record Yang Xiaowei continuity set designer Si Teng Chang Po Cast role actor notes Liu Du show any trace of Department of beauty, great performing talent, mind soft department director Xiao Wu Di Wenbin tired of great wit, brilliant, non-Ling Bo is much in mind the slightest children Chaibi Yun Liu classmate and good friend, innocent Wang Xiao Wu who can love a classmate and good friend, a quick mind, a lot of pay Man Liu slightest idea Chrysanthemum classmate and good friend, have a good understanding of the pen cents Joe Classic Wu Ma (invited) eccentric, acting strange default display | show all extended reading: 1

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movie school bullying by classmates, so she and two other students being bullied with the same play pen cents, they attracted pen cents for the four students who bully under the curse, did not think Yu Chen was attracted ghost possessed the pen cents . strange things happen, the four students who were bullied three self-immolation and died one after another, the police allegedly found a significant Yu Chen, Yu Chen, however, but do not take no alibi, she completely lost the memory from the field Lee Eun-ju to the art teacher at the first day of class division, called No. 29 Jin Renshu, the whole class running for the door all scream, so she was very confused. Li Zhen Yan contains very favorite mentor Lee Eun-ju, also took her will be a psychic to see their friends, think of ways to help her. Li Zhen's parents are people who grew up in this small village, in fact, the village older people have a common secret, thirty years ago a name Hui called pure single mother with her daughter Jinren Shu, came to settle in the village, but villagers and students were excluded, and therefore a tragedy, and now the same events took place, the village elders all panic scared the audience comments Comments One of the mantra is the document titles adult fairy adult fairy pen out of it, please do not know why the beginning of the film is in Japanese, is the actress playing the game fairy pen, his mouth is this study. do not dare to look at these letters, for fear of accidentally, on the next spell. a group of peers, tormented, only had to ask to give a pen cents revenge. ridden from pen cents, to achieve years ago, a curse. occasionally look at the horror film, although the surface seems calm and collected, seen when the heart is still some fear. but, each time has a very strong hint, but that is the film. after reading, forget occasionally remember a few episodes, only a very vague a few. And basically foreign, the United States, Japan, Korea, Thailand,[url=]Moncler Sale[/url], and since have seen Hong Kong's do not suck down a cold lump. and, like teaching building of toilets, like the film, always kept locked as a tool for several areas. always feel that these films has a karma, is there any cause and effect. curse resentment, Missed Call, Wicked... appears to have an old saying put it better, do not do good conscience, afraid of ghosts at midnight knock on the door. These days, always thinking about the film, perhaps because it had the outcome, So that solved. a mind there is less but still feel a little terror, especially when a person dead of night, so the radio every night open all night. heart quite safe, because frankly it so, usually,[url=]Moncler Sale[/url], or can not do good conscience. Outside the sun is shining and the good life rather beautiful, but horror movies during the day or better. Review of the two last night to see the film, originally thought it was similar to the is a horror film. off the light to see a person, can be considered exercise their courage. the film is about a past life of hatred left to present the story to report. 做人要厚道 tell people, do things to my conscience - good to report, comes around, not rewarded, time has not yet nightmare, it still can. a man to be tolerant, and people have been easier and more convenient and easy; step back days Heights wide, so that one-third of calm; we are all human beings, have their own

2008-10-18 challenge to the psychological Pen cents, not attached to the pen, but usually on around us. The number of cents each pen is different, generally more than the pen cents to ask themselves, sometimes they would grab pen to speak, When a game in a different handwriting and personality, speech and pen cents when total self-contradictory, eight said that they started rushing. .. Very interesting talk about the credibility of pen cents: everyone's thoughts different, it was considered particularly accurate, but also feel incomplete right, fairy pen may sometimes optimist and you will be a joke, just the game - physical preparation and Dances : The best two people, men and women casually, (a difficult start to play up), no special requirements on time, but preferably at night, but it is best not to after midnight, as laid out this game, a lot of After Midnight . . . Items is very simple, have a pen and paper on it. It is best to water along the pen, try to make the pen movement was smooth cents and some people said to play more powerful (supposedly) can be any object, including fingers. .. (Not tried this before) the spirit of preparation: the best is sincere feeling of respect for the feelings of fairy pen. The best player who at least is a dubious, if a firm atheist, on the tip at the beginning of a slight movement will try to prevent subjective, of course, no start. Call began a two people staggered back, sandwiching a pen, there is a play with the same hand (such as the two left-handed cross) has a right-hand man staggered forward play 2 hands to relax but to gently grip the pen, gently call or heart meditation: to. .. To a draw a circle the ask The time required for this process varies, we play, the general came out quickly, but there is said to be ten minutes out of your pen cents, you can do many things. 1 can ask some general questions, such as birthday, ah, what the favorite holiday. .. And pen cents casually talk, ask them the habit (of course, everything must obtain the consent of my pen cents. Some pen cents like to chat, and some may not like to say, a different personality. ... ) (2) to ask their own past lives and future life and so on. You can ask the details of past lives - the next big event and there are different versions, some people say that their past life fairy pen, it was said pen cents is always followed by some of their own soul, each of the world have followed, but also slightly different way . (In this regard, have your pen cent said there was come, he would not tell you the details, crying ....) end of the game: when you want to end the game, be sure to say goodbye - and pen cents, for example, Fuji China Atheism Society, Mr. Tu Jianhua told reporters, Song Mai in its people, Fuji magic changes, the changes reflected in the Zigu story, please God, time, place and content of God changes your aspects, Shen Kuo's In modern times, has been the use of secret societies, a gang aggregate financial resources of the congregation and the convergence of the means. Professor Guo Zhengyi introduction, Fuji generally refers to a horizontal stick and a pen, stick two fingers wore cross, a sand table below, pen lines drawn in the sandbox, the main mediums of people attending can read. Such activities in Henan, Shaanxi area is particularly rampant. The first Is filled with rice in the loop, insert a chopstick, chopsticks lift when installed meters dustpan, I believe that the dustpan cents on those who come. Crack Contradictory forces acting on the pen while the reason why the 'pen Sin When two people are denied their own subjective operational behavior, pens, how to move it? Beijing Tongren Hospital, deputy director of clinical psychology professional physician Zhangshu Fang told reporters, from the physical point of view can explain this phenomenon: Meanwhile Immortality were asked not to pen fall (due to life shortened by saying out PEN). moments of the body to relax, but also to withstand the force of gravity. control the body area to maintain a certain tension, under command pressure, the pressure will be the body increase when the wrist, no support, smooth paper, stylus condition with all these contradictions, two people will force each other, so the body under the pen circular movement inevitable. individuals when walking, hand-cast of the imbalance of power, will be biased towards the plate moves. Mystery why two PEN move toward the desired direction? Women are more vulnerable to psychological suggestion in Dr Cheung and lobular demonstration, a bunch of random circles on paper, Dr Cheung Is it not working it is not sincere? Dr. Chang replied: This psychological implications of the players have what effect? Dr. Zhang received the visitors, there are due to play count, the more considered more afraid, not afraid to go out, not the Internet, not to call the point. The first is to be given a hint of personality characteristics of people vulnerable to impact, because such people are very concerned about people and things around, not difficult to find, Immortality are mostly women. Female characteristics determine its more vulnerable to suggestion. The second is in a particular environment due to some narrow sense, the spirit of highly concentrated and produce negativism symptoms. That sense of movement in the opposite side, such as not to move the body, the consciousness would strongly like to move. Why to stick as long as the Dr. Chang explained: lose control of more and more children to walk to the foot of the wall. require too much thinking. Mystery three Some of those who seek to ask in a semi-hypnotic state the history of ancient spirituality prevalent in the early 19th century in Beijing and Shanghai, playing The pursuit of personal thoughts, values ​​and other issues have led to believe, Professor Guo Zhengyi that even those who are more sensitive to a small hint, the body will be more severe shaking, mantra, they will be in a semi-hypnotic state. When people in Sishuifeishui more vulnerable to external stimuli, so the medicine can be found hypnosis treatment, but in psychology, hypnosis will make people want things into their own confusion and self-intoxication. Pen the truth fairy game described by Dr. Zhang, the reporter learned that, Play Immortality will be written in white on both sides were Word in the box surrounded by a written demand on the content of the alternative answer to question three. In order to investigate if it works, usually one of which is known the correct answer. After the paper flat, and two hands that were cross-authored, the game does not permit the elbow or wrist for support, need to remain vacant, the pen perpendicular to the paper at any point ready to begin. Immortality by repeating recite the words, please sen 'past lives, past life, I am your life, and I continued to edge, in the paper circle. A long time, the magic pen began to move, began to seek to ask questions, such as the direction of moving closer to the answer until one came. Get an answer, you need to respectfully recite the mantra away In addition to Reporters learned that in some divination site, please Choose the best place in the relatively clean, usually around 11:00 in the evening, choose props is a small plate and a white sheet of paper. Professor Kuo said: 'healthy', etc. will be deducted on the saucer of yin and yang pattern on the fish, draw a small dish at the end of the arrow. two or three fingers pressed discs at the end, standing around the table turn, each person to think 'small Diexian fast to 'Immortality believe that when the plate' automatic 'to leave the patterns of yin and yang fish move to somewhere else, it shows' small Diexian' come no matter what is asked, a small arrow will move to a pre-written on the corresponding word, Immortality believed that 'Diexian' efficacious' the. , as long as the So many people fascinated by the game. Especially in campus, this worship of the students have any questions, please Reporters follow-up of a number of young people who have played such games admit, some are in high school, some are in college. Some of them asked the future, some asking about her marriage, while others predict good and bad. They told reporters, please Silent night, weak candlelight, pious expectations, the spirit of the highly concentrated, constitutes your Some of the seemingly mysterious phenomenon to many inexperienced young people confused. They are convinced that their own pens and discs to move is However, the experts explained that this opened a ridiculous scam. Related records to fraud money. because when you are driving legends to the wind god riding a phoenix, hence the name. from the Tang Dynasty, the Ming and Qing literati among prevalent in. ask? Century thought: Fuji by the Department Further reading: 1 country / region release / release date (details) in France France2004 May 14 ......( Cannes Film Market) South Korea South Korea2004 in Malaysia Malaysia2004 July 30 in France,[url=]Moncler Sale[/url], December 9, January 27 France2005 years ......( Gérardmer Fantasticarts Film Festival) Philippines Philippines2005 on February 9 in Japan Japan2005 USA2005 April 23 in the United States on October 15 ......( ScreamfestLA International Horror Film Festival) level USA: R / Japan: R-15 / Singapore: NC-16 / Malaysia: 18PL / Philippines: R-13 Synopsis 3, eyebrow pencil eyebrow pencil ghosts, walking the road of psychological suspense. the whole novel, full of imagery, individual paragraphs, I can even smell the scene where the smell of creating a climate of fear, and more comes from the original, she is a born writer, a lot of paragraphs directly points a line can become a good suspense thriller film script of. suspense novel, it's suspense horror is more latitude, multi-level, this is not the flat side of the mirror, all the trivialization of life into them, but the magic mirror, through the deformation, so that people see more clearly, or see usually do not see things. Introduction: island stone room, seven men and three women making a game is said to pen cents, the former caused the death of people, so can not ask their names when the pen in white The paper moves, the first scream resounded through the moonlit island ... ... not all of the game, you can play it! seven rules, seven iron law, no one can escape. per night vote to decide who will unpredictable iron gate into the basement and all of those, only one survivor! Yes, this is the pen cents instructions, but this is only the beginning ... About past lives ... the novel, past life, I am your life, to I continued with the edge of the circle in the paper. island stone room, seven men and three women making a game is said to pen cents, the former caused the death of people, so can not ask their names when the pen tip white paper moves, the first scream resounded through the moonlit island ... ... not all of the game, you can play it! seven rules, seven iron law, no one can escape. per night vote, decide who unpredictable the iron gate into the basement and all of those, only one survivor! Yes, this is the pen cents instructions, but this is only the beginning ... ... pen cents is Fuji's variants. the bottom, God recorded, the main purpose of conveying God's words or oracles. Fuji ceremony in general, beings must first drive before purification, solemn ritual, worship offerings, to announce his gods. Fuji,[url=]Moncler Sale[/url], by the students are armed with luan luan pen (also known as mediums pen, switchgrass, etc.), to be attached behind the gods, Luan pen will naturally waving up in the pre-prepared sand table on the inscription, along with one person (interpretation students) interpretation of divine will, and to the general discourse,[url=]Moncler Sale[/url], the other person as a record (record students), the last one (correction Health) is responsible for correction luan text all Luan Health must have considerable knowledge, education and expression can only reach the task force. For more information, their right to buy the book - pen cents rules are not all of the game, you can play it! first: every day at midnight, to send one person to the underground of the underground, Hei place. The second: the person from the crowd every night to vote on their own Article 3: If more than one vote, then killed with Article 4: namely, that those who choose abstention, was elected person immediately pardoned Article 5: Voters must vote out. Article VI: unauthorized Islands who died, and there are two accompany Article 7: You will be only one survivor among the 6. Ryoko the poetry pen Sin Open Category: 2012 movies, new movies pen cents, to complete my film fairy pen


movie pictures (19)

Open Category: Movies, psychology, witchcraft (2) South Korea 2004 An Bingji directed film pen cents Baike card Chinese name: pen cents Foreign Name: Bunshinsaba produced: 2004 Producer Location: South Korea Director: An Bingji Byeong-kiAhn Starring: Kim Kyu Li, Li Shien, Lee Yuri Type: Horror Length: South Korea: 92 min Language: Korean IMDB Rating: 5.6/10 (409votes production costs: $ 2,500,000 (estimated) Color: Color

plot is simple. 30 years ago, a mother and son never admitted to one pair of people outside the village, are marginalized, are all dead. 30 years later, in the village, and a girl are marginalized, students complete humiliation ...... Critics

About the material ready to play fairy pen ready to summon the spirit of the beginning pen name pen cents cents, for the soul of ghosts. Please pen cents, also the name of spiritualism, spiritism Judging by loss, suffering death. Pen play pen cents cents - caution! ! !

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entry picture (2)

pen strokes cents a spiritual game, through the pen to pen and a let's call them fairy creatures exchanges. Pen cents, not attached to the pen, but usually on around us. Meanwhile, the pen is a fairy and horror fiction horror film name.

call friends who drink friends, three copolymer see pen cents. Down a sleeping audience results. This film in the end who is in the mental challenge? Watery eyes from the beginning of the film screening children and friends out with friends (I really can not find what words ...... complete Critics

above comes from the extended reading: 1 Related articles:

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