Wednesday 7 December 2011

Easy way to detox the body thoroughly

easy way to detox the body thoroughly

★ If the performance of the liver with toxins in:

1. nails protruding surface of the ridge, down or depressed. Chinese medicine,

2. there breast hyperplasia, premenstrual breast pain increased significantly. Breast belonging to the liver through the line of forts on the route, once the liver has

3. emotions easily depressed. The liver is the organ in vivo regulation of mood, once the drug can not be discharged in the liver, blocking the gas to run, will have significant adverse emotions.

4. migraine headaches, acne on both sides of the face, will appear dysmenorrhea. Both sides of the face and lower abdomen, the liver through the gall bladder and its partner, the

detoxification methods:

1. eat green food. According to Chinese Five Elements theory, green food can be accessible liver, play a very good liver, stagnation, relieve emotional role, is to help the liver detox food. Chinese medicine experts recommend blue orange or lemon, orange juice or green skin made of green lemonade, like drinkable.

2. wolfberry to enhance the tolerance of the liver. In addition to detoxification, but also should enhance the ability of the liver against toxins. This food devaluation wolfberry, it has a good protective role of the liver, the liver can increase tolerance to the toxin. When chewing food to eat better, eat a little to.

3. push the main point for liver detoxification. This refers to the Taichong Point, the location in the dorsal first and second metatarsal with the Department prior to the depression. Rubbing with the thumb 3 to 5 minutes, you can feel a slight soreness. Do not use too much effort, two ** for the press.

4. tears detoxification method. Compared to never cry of men, women live longer, it must be said and the tears of a relationship. With this understanding of traditional Chinese medicine has long been, and is also confirmed by Western medicine. As the tear fluid excretion, as with sweat and urine, which does have some harmful chemical and biological toxins. So uncomfortable, wronged, when depressed, will simply Kuchu come. For those

liver detoxification best time

01:00 ~ 02:00 detoxification phase, when the liver to eliminate toxins and vigorous activity, the body should be allowed to sleep, so to complete liver metabolic waste. Liver detoxification, need to be sleeping, so in this time period should be sleeping, do not stay up late, do not sleep at this time, your liver will be so tired, over time will certainly be damaged, so you must pay attention to To ensure adequate sleep at night.

★ If you have a toxin expressed in the heart:

1. tongue ulcers. Chinese medicine, tongue and heart is most closely related, so long ulcer on the tongue, often considered the heart of the fire, or burning.

2. Zhangdou forehead. The forehead is the heart of a territorial jurisdiction, Firelight strong as fire, poison, this dependency will be boiling, so come and go to a lot of acne.

3. insomnia, palpitations. The heart in non-stop work, when the drug stay in the heart of the fire can not be excluded, the sleep will not go.

4. tightness or tingling. Bleeding within the heart there is a toxin, like traffic jams on the highway, some light is chest tightness, heavy some of the sting occurs.

detoxification methods:

1. suffer detoxification. Devaluation lotus core, it is bitter, can diverge Firelight, although there are cold, but it will not damage the body's yang, it has always been considered the best drug to defuse the heart of hot food. Core can be used lotus tea, bamboo leaves, or may wish to add some raw licorice, lotus seeds and core can enhance the detoxification effect.

2. press the heart detoxification main point. This is a small House Point, the location in the palm, between the first metacarpal 4,5, little finger and ring finger when the fist between. Press this point may wish to use some force, alternating left and right.

3. mung bean diuretic detoxification. Diuretic can green beans, heat the way to resolve and discharge the heart of the toxins, but when eating green beans to use liquid form, such as milk or green bean soup,[url=][b]title=UGG Online[/b][/url], bean cake, the effect will be worse.

heart best detoxification time

11 to 13:00 noon

heart most of the time, you can eat protect the heart, to help detox foods, such as Poria, nuts, soy, black sesame, jujube, lotus seed and so on.

★ If you have a toxin expressed in the spleen

1. Minister surface stain. Women are usually long spot a number of weak digestive system.

2. leukorrhagia. Moisture in vivo spleen in charge, if too much moisture, beyond the ability of the spleen, there will be excessive body moisture, increased vaginal discharge is one embodiment.

3. fat accumulation. Fat in Chinese medicine, there is another name: phlegm, spleen due to poor digestive function, can not be promptly eliminated from the body toxins and waste produced. Effective weight loss must be restored stomach around the theme of the normal metabolism of phlegm do, otherwise it will rebound.

4. tone obviously, lip Zhangdou or ulcers. Around the lips belong to the spleen, when the spleen can not be eliminated from the body of toxins, accumulation of toxins from these places to find a chance to burst out.

detoxification methods:

1. eat to help acid spleen detoxification. Such as ebony, vinegar, which is used to resolve the best elements of food poisoning, can enhance the stomach's digestive function, so that the toxins in food in the shortest possible time from the body. Spleen while sour foods also have the effect, you can play well,

2. pressing spleen detoxification main point. This is Shangqiu hole, the location hole in the ankle before the bottom of the depression in Shangqiu, rubbing the finger points to maintain a sense of re acid can, every 3 minutes, for two ** to do.

3. after dinner walk. Exercise can help the stomach to digest, to accelerate the rate of discharge of toxins, but it needs long-term adherence, the effect will be better.

spleen best detox time

meal is most likely to produce toxins moment to digest the food if not timely or absorption, toxins will accumulate a lot. In addition to walk after a meal, because the sweet taste of the spleen, but also in the meal one hour to eat one fruit to help the spleen, detoxification.

★ If you have a toxin expressed in the lung

1. skin was rusty, dull. Chinese medicine, pulmonary management body of the skin, the skin is moist, white, must rely on good lung function. Relatively long time when the lung toxins, toxins will be deposited with the role of the lungs to the skin, the skin does not look shiny.

2. constipation. Chinese medicine, the lungs and large intestine is a system, when the lungs of toxins above, the following will have abnormal intestinal deposition, the emergence of constipation.

3. sentimental, easy to grief. Toxins in the lungs, the lungs will interfere with the blood running, so the lungs can not be comfortable chest of normal heart, pent up too sentimental.

detoxification methods:

1. radish is lung detoxification food. In Chinese eyes, colon and lung most closely, lung toxins depends on the large intestine is smooth, radish helps excrete large intestine stool, cold dishes can be eaten raw or Ban Cheng.

2. lily anti-drug improved lung capacity. Lungs do not like dry air has always been, in the case of dry, easily lead to the accumulation of toxins. Mushrooms, Nourishing Yin and lily have a good effect, can help the lungs to fight toxins, food processing time when not too long, otherwise the juice will reduce the lily, anti-virus effect will be greatly reduced.

3. Press lung detoxification main point. Hoku acupuncture is beneficial to the lungs, the location in the back of the hand, first and second metacarpal, when the second metacarpal radial side of the midpoint, you can use this part of the thumb and forefinger, press firmly.

4. sweat detoxification. Management of skin and lung, so frankly Chuyishenhan, so sweat away toxins, make up our fresh lungs. In addition to campaigns, the method can also be sweating hot water bath, water bath before adding some ginger and peppermint essential oils, sweat secretion to more fun, deep in the body discharge toxins.

5. take a deep breath. Each breath, the lungs are unable to discharge the residual gas, these emissions relative to those of fresh, oxygen-rich air is concerned, is a toxin. Just a few deep breaths, the body can reduce the residual gas.

best lung detox time

lungs most of the time is 7 am to 9 points, then the best detoxification through movement. When the most powerful in the lungs for jogging and other aerobic exercise, can be a strong function of pulmonary toxins.

★ If toxins expressed in the kidney have

1. menstruation,[url=][b]title=UGG Boots[/b][/url], or menstrual period is short, dark color. The emergence and disappearance of menstruation, is whether the strong performance of renal function, if there is a lot of toxins in the kidneys, blood will be reduced.

2. edema. Management body of the liquid to run the kidneys, renal accumulation of toxins, the ability to reduce the discharge of excess fluid, edema appeared.

3. Zhangdou jaw. Face by the jaw area under the jurisdiction of the kidney and kidney detoxification lack of excess toxins will be shown in the lower jaw area.

4. easily fatigued. The body of toxins consumed the energy of the kidney, the kidney provides less energy, so there body tired, Shenpi sleepiness, weakness.

detoxification methods:

1. Kidney detoxification food: melon. Rich melon juice, into the body, will stimulate the kidneys to increase urine from the body of toxins. Available when eating melon soup or fried, the taste of some light as possible.

2. kidney anti-drug and food: yams. Although yam can nourish many organs, but eventually to kidney and regular eating yams can enhance the detoxification function of the kidney. Candied yam is a good method of eating, with caramel

(the fine sugar to simmer until melted, dark brown when you can add hot water and mix well, is the caramel.)

3. press the main point of the liver detoxification: Yongquan. This is the lowest point the body, if the body is a building, the point is that the export of sewage water pipes, often rubbing it, and detoxification effect is obvious. Yongquan position in the front foot 1 / 3 (the calculation does not include toe), more sensitive to this point, do not use too much force, you can feel a little to rub the better side by side, for 5 minutes can be.

kidney detoxification best time

kidney detoxification best time of 5 to 7 o'clock in the morning, the body after a night of repair, in the morning toxins are gathered in the kidneys, so drink up in the morning the best white water, washed about the kidneys, the toxins from your body. < / p>

18 kinds of food you eat more lean

1, laver seaweed rich in vitamins in addition to a, b1 and b2, the most important thing is that it contains rich in fiber and minerals, can help to drain away the body of waste and the accumulation of moisture, thus closing stovepipe effect.

2, sesame sesame its oleic acid to remove the cholesterol within the blood vessels attached, so that better metabolism, lose weight much easier closing leg.
3, although the banana banana high calories, but fat is very low, and rich in potassium, and stomachs and low-fat, can reduce the accumulation of fat in the lower body, is the ideal time to lose weight of food.

4, with a unique apple malic acid, can accelerate metabolism and reduce lower body fat, and it contains calcium than other fruits, can reduce the salt content is lower body edema.
5, red bean red bean acid components contained in the stone base of the large intestine can increase peristalsis, promote urination and reduce constipation, and thus clear the lower body fat.
6, it has a unique papaya papaya proteolytic enzymes, can eat meat and the removal of the accumulation of fat in the lower body, and papaya pectin contained in the meat is excellent colonic cleansing agent, can reduce the accumulation of waste in the lower body.
7, watermelon Watermelon is the fruit of the diuretic experts, eating can be reduced in the body of excess water, and sugar itself also will not eat cause fat.
8, eggs, eggs within the vitamin B2 helps to remove fat; In addition, it contains nicotinic acid and vitamin B1 also facilitate removal of the lower body fat.
9, grapefruit grapefruit grapefruit glance all early low calorie, and will not eat fat, but in fact it is also rich in potassium, help to reduce lower body fat and water accumulation.

10, Amorphophallus konjac completely free of fat and delicious, but also will eat things to lose weight. It's rich in plant fiber can also make the lower part of the lymphatic flow, to prevent leg swelling appeared cellulite. This magic-like food, have the body

11, spinach spinach because it can promote blood circulation, so that you can make one farthest from the heart to the legs have to absorb enough nutrients, balance the metabolism, detoxification stovepipe on it easily.

12, peanuts, peanuts contain extremely rich in vitamin b2 and niacin, while bringing high quality protein, fat flesh is not long, followed by lower body fat can also eliminate fat.
13, kiwi kiwi vitamin c is in addition to its strengths, the original of its fiber is also very rich in fat can increase the decomposition rate, to avoid the accumulation of excess fat legs.

14, tomato tomatoes to eat fresh tomatoes as a diuretic and to remove the leg fatigue, reduce edema, if it is eaten raw, the result will be better.

15 pineapple pineapple is rich in protein enzyme that breaks down the fish, meat, suitable for eating after dinner eating.

16 Celery Celery contains a lot of calcium on the one hand, you can make up

17 Citrus Citrus addition to help digestion, eliminate stomach gas, they can also reduce abdominal fat accumulation.

18 tomatoes to eat fresh tomatoes can be diuretic and eliminate leg fatigue, reduce edema, if eaten raw, the better.

18 种 eat more lean foods
1. cucumber cucumber and other nutrient-rich vegetables compared to the nutrients contained less. Moreover, the cucumber contains alcohol acid, helps to inhibit a variety of carbohydrates into fat in the body.
2. radish radish mustard oil with spicy ingredients, substances can promote better fat metabolism, fat accumulation in the skin can be avoided.
3. leek leek contains more digestible fiber, can promote bowel movements, there is a strong laxative effect, which can exclude excessive intestinal of nutrients.
4. melon melon contains less nutrients and can get rid of excess body fat, with a strong laxative effect.
5. Chili peppers are rich in capsaicin. Can promote lipid metabolism, and can dissolve fat, inhibit fat accumulation in the off period.
6. mung bean sprouts bean sprouts contain more water, eat the body resulting in less heat, less prone to the formation of subcutaneous fat accumulation.
7. soybeans and soy products soybeans and soy products are rich in unsaturated fatty acid-proof, able to break down cholesterol in the body, promoting lipid metabolism, the accumulation of subcutaneous fat is not easy.
8. whole wheat bread, whole wheat bread is lowest in calories, if you are no package would not be happy, then it is recommended that you eat breakfast or tea time whole wheat bread filled Tiandu Zi!
9. broccoli (that is, broccoli) Broccoli is rich in high fiber content, with tomatoes, onions, green peppers and other materials can burn into a thin soup when hungry is very useful, low-calorie and full stomach.
10. Asparagus Asparagus is rich in vitamin A with C, used to make salad is a good choice, or make a cup of cooked asparagus leisure, watching TV, listening to music can be When the snacks to eat, healthy and not fat.
11. eggplant with eggplant in a meal that scientific research can play role in preventing the absorption of fat, also contains vitamins A, B and C, for people to lose weight about a kind of good food and good food.
12. Seafood Seafood with low fat, high protein delicious title! Butterfish, croaker low in calories, taste good, and lean meat alternate food, so every meal is fresh and appetizing!
13. lentils (peas) lentils, leafy green with food if you can speed up the body's metabolism.
14. orange orange contains natural sugar, more fiber and a low card is used instead of candy, cakes, cookies and other desserts the best choice.
15. Celery Celery contains vitamins A and C, but most of the water and cellulose, so the heat is low, not afraid to eat more fat.
16. onion rings allicin and sulfur-containing amino acids and other compounds, to lowering blood pressure, blood vessels of brittle softening effect, and skin care beauty, skin cells can promote the blood oxygen absorption, enhancing skin repair capacity.
17. vinegar with acid, can soften blood vessels, remove lipids, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, obesity will benefit both. However, synthetic vinegar and wine vinegar vinegar, wine vinegar, we should choose.
18. Kiwi Kiwi than apples, grapes and pineapple calories are low, its unique not only promote digestion and absorption of dietary fiber, but also give rise to a feeling of fullness. Factors can increase the decomposition rate of fatty acid to avoid absorption of excess body fat.
eight kinds of food you eat to help in the metabolism of human body waste
process will be a lot of particulates. Although the body has a certain ability to clear itself of toxins, but when the body of excess or waste savings weakened the body detoxify sewage, the waste can not be discharged, they will affect health.

8 kinds of food will help rid the body of a variety of
leafy green vegetables in green leafy vegetables, mostly alkaline, you can and dietary sugar, meat, eggs and metabolism produced too much acid, so that to maintain a weak alkaline fluid, which cleared toxic substances in the blood. Eat vegetables and optional radish leaves,[url=][b]title=UGG Clearance[/b][/url], cabbage, rapeseed leaves, spinach, kale, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, cabbage and so on.
2. coarse grains
eat sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn, buckwheat and other grains to help maintain the patency of the stool, so that the body will not be long stagnation of intestinal toxins. Whole grains contain many refined grains (or processed foods) the lack of specific vitamins and minerals. These nutrients help to regulate the environment within the stomach, easily absorbed by the body and improve immune function in disease resistance.
wine drinking wine heart healthy. It is rich in citric acid, also an alkaline beverage, which is one of many alcoholic beverages do not have. It has been reported, drinking wine can prevent and correct the acidosis, as well as diuretic detoxification. In recent years, also see the effect for the treatment of gout.
4. tempeh
study found that eating tempeh help digestion, and enhance brain power, improve liver detoxification effects. Can promote metabolism, remove toxins in the blood, purify the blood from the role. In addition, tempeh also contains a large number of urokinase to dissolve blood clots, including a large number of B vitamins and antibiotics, can prevent Alzheimer's disease.
optional fresh fruit or lemon juice, oranges, grapefruit, grapes, sugar cane juice, plums, apples, tomatoes and so on. Although mostly sour fruit flavor, but the metabolic process in the body can become alkaline, and allows to keep the blood alkaline. In particular, they can accumulate the toxins in the cells 'dissolution', and ultimately excreted through the excretory system.
green tea green tea has many detoxifying factor, which is easy with a combination of toxic substances in the blood, and accelerated discharge from the urine. Consumption of a variety of green tea can prevent cancer and blood cholesterol. Smokers drink green tea reduce the harm of nicotine.
7. kelp and seaweed
they contain a lot of gum. To purge the body to promote the radioactive poison excreted along with feces. When cancer patients receiving chemotherapy is beneficial to eat seaweed. They are of alkaline food, purify the blood effect. Eat kelp and seaweed to reduce the incidence of cancer.
black fungus black fungus can inhibit platelet aggregation, can lower cholesterol, the beneficial cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. Black fungus in the gum to help the human digestive system will be left in the dust absorption and accumulation of impurities and excreted, clear polyester gastrointestinal.

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