Tuesday 1 November 2011

UGG IrelandMan 13 hours to replace the body eight organs ( Figure )

Yesterday, the Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Mr. Hong's wife saw her husband in the ward improved very happy. Map / reporter Qinlou

Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, created a miracle of life, the whole abdominal multiple organ transplant success

patients to become Asia's successful acceptance of the surgery treatment of the second person has been able to eat liquid

in danger, living in the sea water of the sea cucumber will spit organs to protect themselves, and then will re-grow a new pair of organs. Animal magic

However, this visceral

2011 年 1 月 10, the 10th day of the new year, but also Hong Delong Ten days ago, the Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, a New Year's Eve surgery for Hong Delong all abdominal organ transplantation, organ transplantation, including: liver, pancreas, spleen, stomach, duodenum, small intestine, colon and appendix. Currently Hong Delong recovered well, he also became the surgical treatment of Asian success to accept the second person. Our reporter Liu Shaolong Changsha report

13 hours, 8 intra-abdominal organs, , so that Hong Delong had a calm and stable life completely broken. Delay condition did not improve for some time, there had abdominal pain, after several transfers in the local could not find out the cause, and abdominal pain, increased day by day, and melena.

2010 年 11 23, Hong Delong came to Xiangya hospital. After careful examination,UGG Sale, doctors found a wide range Hund gantry vein thrombosis.

through consultation, hospital experts say, because the entire portal system lesions involving the intra-abdominal, abdominal multi-organ transplantation is currently the only curative treatment.

2010 年 12 31 afternoon, Hong Delong pushed the operating room.

in Organ Transplant Center, Second Xiangya Hospital, Professor, Deputy Director of Qi Haizhi under the auspices of the various medical teams began to prepare. 14:00 to 5:30, three and a half hours, Professor He Zhijun of the overall donor abdominal organ repair and inspection. 17:30, He Zhijun, and Qi Haizhi whole organs for patients with careful abdominal separation, 21:20, in patients with complete resection of abdominal organs as a whole.

Overall intra-abdominal organ resection, transplantation of donor organs to begin work, the need to suture blood vessels as soon as possible. Blood flow in the open after the rapid recovery of organ transplant patients with red,Goose Coats, normal gastrointestinal motility; in hemostasis, the patient's gastrointestinal tract anastomosis,UGG Ireland, the operation lasted 13 hours, successful completion.

transplant organ function recovery after Hong Delong smooth, yesterday, Mr. Hong's wife Ms. Yang said,

such transplantation, very high degree of difficulty

. He said that in 1998, they made a liver transplant, carried out one after another after heart-lung, liver and kidney transplantation, liver and pancreas transplantation, pancreas-kidney transplantation and small bowel transplant. First, in order to maintain the integrity of the transplant, the second is the appendix with immune function.

It is understood, the overall intra-abdominal organ transplant to lead a four off. We must first set of organs for donation, to be trimmed, so as to transplant to the patient well. Second is to control bleeding during surgery. The third is to maintain the patient's body temperature during surgery. As the number of implanted organs, to maintain stable body temperature and circulation challenging. Fourth, rejection and infection after surgery off.

organ transplantation, including organ transplantation (1 organ), the United Organ Transplant (2 organs) and multi-organ transplantation (three or more organs). Organ transplants known as the 21st century,

the success of the operation, marking the Second Xiangya Hospital of organ transplantation has covered the chest, abdomen all the organs, the Joint Table Ming Xiangya Second Hospital, organ transplants and multiple organ transplants reached domestic leading level.

need surgery costs at least $ 300,000, the free

, the hospital carried out a great grasp of the leading new technology, can provide support current surgical patients are free of cost.

He explained that Mr. Hong's body from a trauma for the patient, donor procedures are in line with the law.

Qihai Zhi Professor, the source of human organs has become a serious shortage of human organ transplants restricted the development of important factors. Each year about 1.5 million patients need organ transplants, organ transplant surgery each year only about 10,000 cases.

Last year, Hunan Province to carry out organ donation pilot. In Hunan Province, the province suffers from kidney disease, uremic patients up to 6 million people, but each year of transplant only 700 cases or so.

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