Friday 21 October 2011

UGG Outlet Workflow in the document ( reproduced ) .

workflow system development workflow system
trivial local correctional system consists of three components: a workflow engine, process discipline tools, process definition tools (including a graphical modeling tool) and the client. The key to the development process definition tool, workflow engine pondering the use of others products. Its various components, including their own local data and system interfaces with the emergence of form. Well have developed into a graphic interactive interface monopoly. The whole system works as follows:
workflow modeling tool of the model -> process definition tools that have occurred at the model definition of -> to have occurred in the model into a database or actively generate positive XPDL file -> workflow engine is called from the database may XPDL workflow definition file -> rigorously enforce the workflow -> back with its efforts after the coherent data.
about the development plan:
1, knowing about the concept of workflow, workflow techniques in spread to the concept of more, not knowing very grass strip.
2, the process of navigation issues as a center.
3, the development process will certainly obey the norms, for example, the interface 1
WFMC workflow engine, workflow engine about local
1, explain the process definition
2, to curb the process instance - creation, activation, suspend, terminate, etc.
3, the action for the navigation process, including the sequence may be parallel to the monopoly, the last work period, the data held on the workflow coherent explanation
4, entrants and exit sign
5, determine the tasks the project, end user desire; supply interfaces to support user interaction
6, maintenance work to curb the flow of data and workflow coherent data, the process in the use of occasional users who submit a workflow between coherent data
7, the surface of the supply process is called an interface that connects all workflow coherent data
8, the supply of curb, control and review functions
workflow engine local, to their own development, but also to take other wondering dial the company's products, but will certainly ensure more discipline about the function
process control device at least deserve
process discipline, including two local: local and monitoring local
discipline discipline local: user supplies a sound discipline, the role of discipline , system settings, system safe discipline, discipline and log files with the discipline, the user's permission to distribute as a monopoly:
to departments,UGG Outlet, user groups, roles, organizational structure describing the parting parting
sector-based, user groups, roles, users at authorized to reach the maximum flexible monitoring of
local: key end of the monitoring work flow, so that discipline and control were able to trace the role, operation, node, process instances and process instance events through the path; to graphically measures to end the process of reproduction has been an instance of the path, can reveal the process of being held in the instance, and supply discipline mechanism to monitor the person when necessary to terminate or suspend certain process instances. At the same time, the system also supplies the working process of census data and reports, the process of dynamic change of events, contact the various local mediators, and thus advance the efficiency of business discipline. Load balancing grow workflow efficiency.
process definition tools
This is the key to the development of local,UGG Outlet, partial process definition tools include: process modeling local, XPDL generated positive local, regional interface design, report design and generate positive local and regional simulation model.
1) process modeling local (process modeling)
use the graphical measures to enable developers to design with minimum effort or amended business workflow modeling tools abundant supply of process logic confession measures, can be expressed extremely mixed flow, and interface design part, report design can be easily localized relative to the joint part of each process to its efforts to set the function and organization of machine tool relative to the joint occurrence of mold can be appropriately and accurately choice of entrants for each action rigorously enforce . Process Designer of the biggest advantages is: let developers in process design and simulation process, and time-consuming process to avoid confounding the process of development.
about personality features are as follows:
1) measures the graphical drag and drop workflow model occurred
2) user-friendly options to set
3) multi-window user interface
4) rich in the process graphic elements
5) process elements copy, paste, remove the monopoly
6) to support multiple model files open at the same time editing
7) to quickly locate process elements
8) to support the sub-graph layer reveals
9) unified storage model file, safe discipline
10) variety of actions can be used to different types of business processing requirements
11) support a variety of process logic links
12) to support the sub-processes Design
13) to support user-defined types of data
14) of the workflow process to support a variety of entrants declare type
15) support built-in block design
16) can be set to limit the workflow process
17) to support the workflow permissions discipline
18) the legality of the model look
19) model of the graphics output file
2) XPDL active role in generating local
This is to have defined the local After the graphical process model logic positive change for the XPDL document may be other common forms of
workflow logic of the physical form:
1. approved database to store the logical
2. XPDL files may be approved WPDL style I try to store the logical
: lightly used for database storage for better internal monopoly, and the file system's style is more conducive to the unity of packaging and external interfaces,UGG Outlet, the logical end of the database files before making style, The first model attributes the existence of each element in the database, the database generated from the specification document, use the interface as standard, so quite decent (may be directly used to generate the Java language specification xml file)
end workflow process logic The key point:
(1) the interface with the measures deserve
(2) the interface corresponding to the logical
(3) conditions inferred end
3) interface design part (form designer)
The local supply of similar in layout to use graphical development tools, users can take advantage of the graphical design of measures to develop the use of dynamic pages, the harvest can be left as html or jsp, and has a database called effort. Expo will run when the user called the design on the harvest. Its biggest advantage is: let developers use the process to avoid the operation of the development process
4) Report Designer and actively generated local (report designer)
it supplies a graphical layout of the design effort mixed reports can be design very mixed reports, and draw a variety of survey analysis diagram, can take advantage of various forms of output.
5) process simulation model has been defined for local model simulation and testing at the client

rigorously enforce the approval of the client and other monopolies, end the process of detailed flow
process flow measures:
approval, promote, inform, decide, rigorously enforce
approval: through may not be cross, be given to promote
advocate: advocate
coherent given informed: event notification process does not affect the flow of the process can be informed of the measures through the circular flow of dense literary situation
final decision process: the ability to terminate the process continues to be a step in the process has redirected its efforts to function
: will certainly be able to work within the approval authority has, over the specified time will be able to rigorously enforce the measures specified in accordance with the process once
Finally, the composition may be issued a document or a specified group of staff to look at the workflow process flow of the report rather than diffuse Expo is no target to detect and correct erroneous code, then the code will be more effective review of the harvest.
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